I'm not sure I'll ever free range again!

I'm very lucky to have very thick areas and a lot of them for my hens. The only issue now, is they can cut their feet.:/. I'm dealing with bumble foot. Ugh.

We have thorny bushy tress that take over our woods. Our hawks are very abundant here too. I hear and see them daily, but I always have an eye on my flock! It's like watching my own kids outside. We just planted a nice weeping willow trees(3) to suck up some of the swamp and keep cover for the girls!

I should take pictures, there are areas the hens go to that I can not reach. They watch the sky and see the hawks before I do.

They also run from ducks, blue herons, and geese that fly over. Last year they never went in these areas.

They stick in a group. My hens are now really fat from all the worms and grubs. It's too thick that I'm unable to use netting. The not so thick parts are tall grass.

I just dusted them with Sevin 2 days ago, so they don't have any ticks. I keep DE mixed with Sevin in the run for dusting at all times.
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well thats good that they all are getting along! and roos can get alittle annoying (i have seven
) but they really look after the girls well and grow on ya after awhile! and if your girls are pretty aware that there are hawks and you have wooded areas for them to hide then i dont think letting them free range will be a problem. good luck!
My neighbors rooster does not watch over his flock.LOL. A bird flies over head- he runs without a calling noise. He does not call when he finds food either. He's like a hen and gobbles up the good stuff fast. He hates humans and attacks. I have no clue why they keep him. He draws blood and they run from him. He runs after people that are going for walks down the road. I get blamed for it because their coop is hidden behind their house and our coop is in plain view.

Ever since he was a little chick, he was very bossy to the other hens always pecking their heads every few seconds for no reason. He's a nasty huge barred rock and a year old. Maybe he will settle in a year.

If I ever end up with a rooster, I'll never keep one that is nasty like the BR across the street. No way! I'd like a nice calm boy. I love roosters, but not the one across the street that sheds blood on us humans.lol

My neighbor has small children. I don't think she realizes the danger she's putting her children into if they sneak in the coop. Her youngest just turned 3 years old. The rooster went after their daughter and she's only 5 and they have another child that is 8. Very scary!

My girls are a bit older and there is no way I'd even keep an aggressive hen.
Yea, I've never had a BR but I can tell you that my silkie roos are sweethearts! So is there australorp cossed offspring, I'm very happy with my roos right now, they don't fight with each other or attack people which makes it a lot easier having seven roos and only eight hens at the moment. I have a order shipping to me tomorrow though, I'm so excited!!! :D good luck with your girls and hope everything works out and the roo chills out!
A hawk came down and got both of my white leghorns. Since then I only let my girls free range when myself and the dog are in the backyard. I still see the hawks, but they don't dare come down. Also, I bought deer netting and placed that over their range area.
A hawk came down and got both of my white leghorns. Since then I only let my girls free range when myself and the dog are in the backyard. I still see the hawks, but they don't dare come down. Also, I bought deer netting and placed that over their range area.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I bring my two big dogs out too. I was standing over my 3 new babies and a coopers hawk was circling just above my head with my dogs by my side. I wasn't taking chances, so the little ones went back into their brooder. These hawks are brave! I seriously can not reach my hens in their hiding spots. It's that thick and thorny. The weeds and bushes have grown as high as my knees in the more open areas. I'm not a fan of going back there with all the ticks and spiders. I'm so happy it's all grown in. Once fall hits, back in their run they will stay until spring. I have a nice coop and run where they have access all winter long. I also heat the coop.

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