I'm officially worried (and jealous)


12 Years
May 29, 2007
I have one RR Red, one Barred Rock, an EE and a few polish. All of them are 25 weeks now and guess what?! NO EGGS!! They have been on layer pellets for weeks now and seem happy and healthy - they just seem a bit too happy living 'rent free' so-to-speak. Any thoughts, ides?
OOOH! thats exactly how I felt! I also felt like mine were too spoiled and living the good life without having to do anything in return! It will happen soon! And you will get to do the happy first egg dance! The first one does feel like it takes forever! All 3 of mine are laying now (for the past 5 days) and I already have so many eggs! We've been eating eggs every day! It is like a tiny miracle every time I go out there and there is another little brown egg waiting for me.
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Yeah... I got a little resentful too... giving them all those treats in hopes I'd be rewarded sooner. Out of thirteen 22 week olds I have only one laying. It'll happen. It's tough waiting. I don't think food had any bearing on the onset of my period. It'll happen when it happens. On a funny note... I do have three more elder/laying hens. I was doing a little egg dance last Sunday morning... just hoping Sophie(my buff orp) would pop out one more egg just in time for breakfast. We were almost late for church... and NO, we did not get the egg til we got home! lol! Good luck!!
Don't feel bad. I have 23 pullets all around 22 weeks and only about 14-15 are laying.

Pullets are like human females...we all develop and muture at different rates.

I think it was Ruth that threatened her girls. She told them, "I'm going to have friends over and we're going to eat omelets...if not omelets then we're having chicken." Then they started laying. Try that!

Edited for spelling. Someone pointed out that I can't spell omelet.
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Joelda Mine were born April 1st and they just started laying this week....and only one of the 4. Hang in there...
or you could say they are all ......never mind thread would have to be in other pets if I was gonna refernce what I thought


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