I'm recycling my feed bags!! **PICS**

Awesome idea! We have paper bags here too, darn it.

My teen makes totes out of old t-shirts. They are too stretchy for heavy loads, but great for totes. Jaybme
I have a stupid question. Could you hand sew the totes? I'm thinking they would just rip apart. I would like to make some and don't have a machine although I am looking for a machine.
well the only way to find out is to make one. If you could hand sew tightly I imagine theres a good possibility that it would work. but You'll just have to try it. I'm no sewing expert.
We have some small enclosed raised pens we use sometimes for sick birds, new ones, or chicks. We use the feed bags, which are paper, as a lining for the floor, then put shavings on top. It makes it soft, absorbant, warm and easier to clean.
Don't know if anyone else has mentioned it yet or not, but you can re-use the 4 ply paper covered plastic bags in your garden. I use them in the aisles of my garden to keep the grass down. The paper will decompose during the year, and it will keep you from slipping when the ground is wet. Once you're finished with the garden for the summer, pull out the plastic and recycle just that. Leave the paper on the aisles, or scoop it out and put it on your rows to be tilled in the next spring. I only go through about 2 bags of feed in a month, so I'm not getting enough for my garden yet, but I do put them up there as I get them. My oats come in woven bags though, and now I know what I can do with them!
good idea, they are really thick..will do that when I get feed again..and might go in the back and see what comes in a cloth bag that my chickens might like, lol!!!
I'm excited I got a couple bags with a different design on them. It has a windmill & wheat silhouette on it. Pretty cool!!
Check your local thrift store, like Salvation Army or Goodwill are all good places to find sewing machines. I seen one this wkend at a local Salvation Army... it even had a case & instruction book. So there may be 'deals' to be had on sewing machines there & getting a sewing machine "second hand" is ~*recycling*~ also

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