IM SO MAD!!!! do i have a right to be????

My HH (handy hubby) made a pen for our 3# Yorkie for $25. I love to get the the silkies outside so I put the babies in this 4x4 feet x 18" tall so they are safe. When they get bigger, they can be outside in a 4x8x 7 foot tall pen on wheels ( cost of about $250). A fenced yard doesn't protect chickens from birds of prey so I prefer the smaller pens.
OMG how irresponsible. I am so sorry about your babies

#1 It must be reported. If not you are as responsible.
#2 It was done on your property
#3 Now you know your neighbor could care less about you livestock or her dog and must be dealt with accordingly
#4 Warn the neighbor her dog will be shot on your property in a registered letter
#5 Load your gun

So sorry about your little babies. That makes me just so ticked and mad when people just do not care to do the right thing or next best right thing!!
Both of you are at fault.You can not let animals out to free range without expecting loss. The dog should not be allowed to roam in other yards and kill.Most cities have laws against that,so report it today. I would kill the dog.Put up an enclosed run for your chickens.So sorry for your loss!

Here is a cheap thing.Plastic fencing,bamboo poles,and zip ties.Create a run and stay with your chicken while they are in it.I used to weed or whatever near mine.
I would catch the dog and take it far far away.

In the least you can report the animal to the police and/or animal control. Dogs that roam and cause damage in other peoples property result in tickets and legal liabilty.The dog owner should be cited and charged.You should demand some cash for the deaths. If my dogs/cats killed some neighbors animal I would be at their door with a checkbook in hand.Then my pets would be seriously punished in a lockdown.

This is a picture of the bigger pen, It has a 2 foot x 6 foot door for easy access. HH(handy hubby) used the smallest coated chicken wire he could find and also put chicken wire on the bottom. He put a tarp on the roof and I have removable tarps all around. The wheels are nice for moving the pen and I am able to move it easily by myself. I have left the chickens in there at night with the tarps secured all around but prefer to put them in the more secure pole barn.
Pet owners ARE responsible for the actions of their pets (dogs). A few years ago, I learned that first hand when I was driving down the highway near my house and 3 dogs jumped out onto the highway in the near dark of early morning-- and I had no time to stop and I hit all of them. A St Bernard, black lab and a spotted hunting dog- all big dogs and they totaled my car and nearly caused me to crash-- I swerved and landed in the ditch. I was fine, but the dogs were dead. A sheriff came to my accident and he looked up the tags on the collars of the dogs, called their owners (all belonged to ONE person) and had them come down to the accident to pick up their deceased dogs and receive their fines on 3 unrestrained animals. Then-- here's the kicker, the sheriff informed us that the law required the person who owned the dogs, that his home owners insurance would pay for the damage of my car. I had no idea! It was really a mess, and in the end, I think that owner learned a big expensive lesson on letting his dog roam loose. I sure as heck didn't set out that morning hoping to kill a bunch of dogs, total my car and nearly kill myself, too. (this is the same for large livestock, too-- if you hit a cow or horse, the owner is responsible for any damages)

Point is, that the owner of the dog is responsible for ALL actions her dog takes off her property and is liable monetarily for any damages, including your livestock. Personally, I would have either shot the dog, or if that isn't something you are willing to do (which is understandable) then you should call the police about a loose/stray dog attacking animals on your property.

I'm so very sorry about your babies.
That is just so incredibly sad about your chicks and silkies. And yes, you have every reason to be VERY mad and most importantly, you have legal recourse.
Let me understand this....

Her dog comes in YOUR yard and kills your chickens, and it's YOUR fault... NOT

Not in any sense is it your fault.

You have the right to freerange your chickens if you want to - AND you have the right to EXPECT they will not be eaten by a neighbor's dog tresspassing on your property!


This woman is a class act.
Clearly, the neighbor is rude and irresponsible and nasty, and very much in the wrong. However, even though in many jurisdictions one may have the right to let chickens free range without protective fencing, but no one has a "right" to expect that their free range unfenced chickens will be safe from all dogs and other predators. If that particular neighbor and their dog had never existed, those chickens would have still been at risk.

So if my light is green, and the other guy has a red light, then yeah, he should stop, not me. But if I exercise my right and knowingly let myself get t-boned just to be right, I'm not living in reality. I probably won't be living in anything.

Life isn't always fair, and we can't make it fair, because we can't control that much of it. But we can live in reality.

Following up with legal remedies against the neighbor in question is a possibility, but that's a very personal decision based on pretty unique cost benefit analyses that only the victim can determine. I can't offer any advice there.

My biggest pet peeve is loose animals roaming. I dislike cats. I find it distasteful that people let their cats run around crapping in my garden. I've tried everything, and I can not prevent their destruction. People are jerks. It makes me want to have a fortress fence around my yard with razor wire.
oh heck yes you have the right to be mad...
this is Kinda off subject but still on it
So lets say your small children and the dog we are talking about is a bigger dog let say a rottie not saying all rotties are this way but just of arguments sake we need a big dog that is very well known for being territorial
alright so you have your small children run around out side they stay in your yard and play on the swing set this dog comes and attacks your children and puts them in in the hospital.. is it your falt that thier dog came and attacked your child in your yard.. no its thiers for not being a responsable dog owner. they would be lyable for all the doctor bills and their dog would be uthinized no qestion..
i would totally tell them that they are resposable for the attack of the chickens on your property (by letter and make a copy for your records) and tell them that you will kill the dog on sight if you see it in your yard again. they are just scared that they will be blamed which they should be because they know its there falt.
i know its hard to do this i have both a dog that bolts out the door and chases my neighbors chickens and i have a neighbor with two dogs that come over and kill my chickens.
so i can see both sides of the fence but now that i know that my dog is chasing her chickens i keep a better eye on her. and with my neighbors dog i shoot them with a pellet gun when i see them. i dont let ANY DOG on my property besides my own.
good luck and remember karma will catch up with those who deniy her.
im sorry for you loss but yes you have the right to be upset any degree.
even a rubber band gun would work.
its not your falt sweetheart not one bit..

im sorry you have such nasty neighbors that always sucks.
good luck
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