I'm so mean to Kane (my GSD).

Glad I can be of service. That's my goal.

So sorry Rusty Hills Farm. What a sad way to lose your friend.

I don't have a dog, but do have a couple outside feral/stray cats that chase the squirrels. A couple years age Zulu-Khan caught a squirrel. I was inside and heard the sound of a screaming eagle outside. I freak thinking an eagle is after the chickens or cats. I run outside looking at the sky/roof looking for the eagle, no sign of it. Then I realize the sound is coming from under the deck. What! Why is there an eagle screaming under my deck. I drop to my belly and look under and see Zulu with a squirrel in his mouth. I start yelling at Zulu to let it go, but like most cats he did not listen. Before that I never realized that squirrels could scream like that.

What a hoot. Poor Kane made to lay with the chickens. I guess its better than swimming with the fishes.

My mom's ole dog used to chase the squrriels, but age prevented her from getting them anymore that was until my mother got cat. Now both trixie and toby sit by the window waiting for the squrriels to get into the bird feeder. Trixie will whine as if she has to go out and my mom will let her out with the cat sneaking past her. Next thing she knows both cat and dog are sitting on porch with said squrriel in the cats mouth.
I guess trixie scares the squrriel up the tree and right into the cats mouth. They have caught 14 so far this year. My mom gets so upset with them.

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