I'm so nervous/excited/nervous!!!! New Pea egg hatcher!!!


6 Years
Feb 22, 2013
Northern NM
Hi everybody, I'm brand spanking new to the the world of peafowl! I just picked up 3 eggs today to incubate in my Brinsea Mini Advanced! After some careful dremel tooling, I've got the eggs set to where the auto turner will actually roll them (finally!) I've got them rolling once an hour and the temp set to 99.5. I've also got both reservoirs full for the moment because I'm in Northern New Mexico and it's super dry! I've soooooo nervous! I've noticed a very large portion of y'all are very well versed in colors so I'd like to ask a question or two. The man I got my eggs from has a large pen that currently holds 3 hens and some ungodly number of males. Like 18 or something. He said he had 21 all together. The eggs were all laid on the same day so I know I have at least 1 of each females eggs. The females were Bronze, Opal and.....Cameo! Good gravy, I couldn't think of that one. The males were, Bronze, White, India Blue.....hell, probably a few more. Some of the males had really super indigo colored necks. Most of the males were India Blues anyway. He had mentioned that his hens never hatched anything but India blues??? What could I possibly expect from my three eggies?

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