LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers


He looks fine to me. He is indeed very young, I'm not seeing any type of hackle or saddle feather growth. Definitely not a micro, all of my birds would've been smaller at his age, or maybe the same size. Typically with the super tiny ones, since chicken bodies shouldn't be this way, show it. The most common I've seen is small sculls, and pale faces. This one looks totally fine to me
I went plant shopping!
One peace lily


And a monstera deliciosa

Can anyone direct me as to what this one is? I know it could be dracaena from the look of it, but what type specifically? I'd like to know care requirements.
Unfortunately they were all labelled as "house plant" which was hugely helpful :rolleyes:
Any guesses?:

Ps. If you see three separate plants, you're entirely wrong. I'll have you know I only went out to get one plant.
I went plant shopping!
One peace lily

View attachment 3844363
And a monstera deliciosa
View attachment 3844361

Can anyone direct me as to what this one is? I know it could be dracaena from the look of it, but what type specifically? I'd like to know care requirements.
Unfortunately they were all labelled as "house plant" which was hugely helpful :rolleyes:
Any guesses?:
View attachment 3844365
Ps. If you see three separate plants, you're entirely wrong. I'll have you know I only went out to get one plant.
Beautiful plants, ♥️ they look so healthy!
Beautiful plants, ♥️ they look so healthy!
In the entire store only one plant was u healthy and that was due to overwatering quite clearly
So I'd say pretty good! So many lovely plants to choose from though. The calatheas were stunning. But I knew I wanted to be able to afford more than one, so alas, I picked these lovelies
He looks fine to me. He is indeed very young, I'm not seeing any type of hackle or saddle feather growth. Definitely not a micro, all of my birds would've been smaller at his age, or maybe the same size. Typically with the super tiny ones, since chicken bodies shouldn't be this way, show it. The most common I've seen is small sculls, and pale faces. This one looks totally fine to me
That's a relief!

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