I'm soo.....MAD!

I am sorry that happened to you........


Welcome Home.
Thats a one time experience for your Dh. My husband is a recruiter. those guys have to deal with the " I support the military(not), but dont talk to my child" people on a daily basis .Wonder how people would feel when we reinstate the draft.

Actually it isn't the only time he has had something like this happen. He was home on leave and me and the kids were staying at my parents. He was walking the dog and had on his jacket. The neighborhood had become "upscale" and a "yuppie" woman turned to my husband as he walked by and said "baby killer" and this was 9 years ago. He is the first to go to any veteran and shake their hand and thank them, even seen him make men cry by doing it. Just a quick background on dh. He was medically discharged by the Army, after avoiding the medical board as long as he could, because his shoulder has been rebuilt twice and he didn't want to get out. They finally caught up with him and discharged him after his last surgery because they said he couldn't carry his equipment. After 5 years of rehabbing himself he passed everything to get into the guard, and would have gone active army again if it were not for the children. He has given a lot and it just makes me so mad there are people that give him a hard time.
Am i that naive to think that that comment has got to be a mistake? i cannot believe that anyone ANYONE would say garbage like that to any serviceman. Maybe there was a rivalry? like navy VS army or something? i dunno. i just can't believe it!! its almost depressing.....
Well, I didn't show any interest in the military at all, actually. They called DAILY for myself and my 2 brothers, throughout our high school careers. My cousin is a medic in the Coast Guard, my father was a medic in the Air Force, my Grandfather spent many years in the Army, one of my best friends has been in the Marines for 6 years now... There are quiet a few loved ones from my family in the military, all branches. Had I not had children, I may have joined myself. But now I can't imagine leaving my husband and babies behind. I couldn't do it. But I am thankful to those who can and do.

FTR, my mother is very ignorant about many subjects. She's a very closed mind individual and I'm sorry if what I wrote offended you. What I meant was, we have very OVERLY excited recruiters here.
What's wrong with some people is that they take WAAAAAY too much for granted in life - maybe it's those constant iPhone waves coming too close to their Evian's.

Please tell your fine husband from me


and now tell YOU from me (because I sort of know how it is to be the one at home)


Proud Mom of a former SandLand Soldier Medic - Hooah! - who says everybody should do 4+2 - so "they'd get squared away right."
1st Cav!
have you seen the movie i think it is called "born on the 4th of july" ?

it really goes on, i have seen people interviewed on tv that say it happend then and does now. i just don't know anyone personally that it has happened to.

i know i have seen people stop and shake hands of men and women in uniform and thank them. we have several bases in our area. fort polk, camp beaurgaurd to name two. i have even seen people pick up the check for men in uniform at restaurants to thank them for there service.

i just think some people are cruel and say things out of stupidity and meaness. hate only brings on more hate. you have got to be a pretty hateful person to do and say somethings like that. IMPO!

Yes please tell him thank you! All soldiers past and present need to hear it. My DH was in for 13 years and then medically discharged. We're in the process now (past three years) of fighting VA for 100% compensation. He served during desert storm and that war often gets over looked by many because it was so thankfully short. I wished some individuals would realize that the soldiers do not want to go to war, they would rather be home with their wives, children and families but they also know its what their job require sof them and they do it with all thier hearts. My father also did 20 years and served in Vietnam, my nephew just got home yesterday (yeah calieb) from his 3rd (yes 3rd) tour in Iraq. And yes you deserve a big THANK YOU also, spouses (and SO's) are the backbone of the military. Heres a ((HUG)).
Well, I didn't show any interest in the military at all, actually. They called DAILY for myself and my 2 brothers, throughout our high school careers. My cousin is a medic in the Coast Guard, my father was a medic in the Air Force, my Grandfather spent many years in the Army, one of my best friends has been in the Marines for 6 years now... There are quiet a few loved ones from my family in the military, all branches. Had I not had children, I may have joined myself. But now I can't imagine leaving my husband and babies behind. I couldn't do it. But I am thankful to those who can and do.

FTR, my mother is very ignorant about many subjects. She's a very closed mind individual and I'm sorry if what I wrote offended you. What I meant was, we have very OVERLY excited recruiters here.

Ya know , just tell them you have diabetes,ADHD,high blood pressure, a steel plate in your knee or ankle... need to take medication for a thyroid problem or something like that if you dont want them to call you . They should put a Med DQ in their book
if you need to take meds every day. Or call their station commander or 1st SGT and explain to them about meds. I know they can be a bit pushy sometimes when Top breathes down their neck. When my DH was in HS he didn care about them either and told them to go and *insert f word here them.... but when he was 26 and unemployed once again he went listened to them and signed up and that was back in 96.
KLF73 please accept my apologie if i should have offended you, being a recruiter spouse can be hard on the family. He had a woman tell him in the grocery store once how he should be ashamed buying his food with blood money. But a Nam vet pulled her away in time before the big blow up. All of our neighbors except Miss Esther are vets, we have nam, 2x korea and a WW2 vet so its good in the hood. THey said they feel safer seeing a soldier every day.
Well, I didn't show any interest in the military at all, actually. They called DAILY for myself and my 2 brothers, throughout our high school careers. My cousin is a medic in the Coast Guard, my father was a medic in the Air Force, my Grandfather spent many years in the Army, one of my best friends has been in the Marines for 6 years now... There are quiet a few loved ones from my family in the military, all branches. Had I not had children, I may have joined myself. But now I can't imagine leaving my husband and babies behind. I couldn't do it. But I am thankful to those who can and do.

FTR, my mother is very ignorant about many subjects. She's a very closed mind individual and I'm sorry if what I wrote offended you. What I meant was, we have very OVERLY excited recruiters here.

Ya know , just tell them you have diabetes,ADHD,high blood pressure, a steel plate in your knee or ankle... need to take medication for a thyroid problem or something like that if you dont want them to call you . They should put a Med DQ in their book
if you need to take meds every day. Or call their station commander or 1st SGT and explain to them about meds. I know they can be a bit pushy sometimes when Top breathes down their neck. When my DH was in HS he didn care about them either and told them to go and *insert f word here them.... but when he was 26 and unemployed once again he went listened to them and signed up and that was back in 96.
KLF73 please accept my apologie if i should have offended you, being a recruiter spouse can be hard on the family. He had a woman tell him in the grocery store once how he should be ashamed buying his food with blood money. But a Nam vet pulled her away in time before the big blow up. All of our neighbors except Miss Esther are vets, we have nam, 2x korea and a WW2 vet so its good in the hood. THey said they feel safer seeing a soldier every day.

I wasn't offended, just wanted to note it isn't an isolated incident, there are ignorant, ungrateful people everywhere. Being a recruiter is a tough gig, dh thought about it but didn't need the quota stress....

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