Impacted Crop Question


8 Years
Apr 13, 2011
The Carolinas
I had felt my hen's crop earlier today, and it felt soft, but it was kind of on the big side. I was thinking it might be sour crop. Later, she had ate, and it felt hard. Generally, do crops feel hard after eating? Or is this a sign that it is indeed impacted. I have her separated from the others now, and I'm going to check it in the morning. But I'm worried it's impacted now. I'm just really quite clueless looking for help. It's my favorite chicken! Does sour crop mean something is stuck in the crop too?
They tend to stuff themselves then go and digest the meal so the crop can fluctuate through the day. If she wasn't eating and still had a hard crop then it could be a impacted crop. But in this case I would bet that it is normal
I hope you're right!

She has been acting a little off lately though, so that's one reason I am looking for an issue.

Thank you.
As of this morning... Her crop doesn't feel hard, like an impacted crop. However, it still seems on the big side and full of water or something (assuming sour crop?). I am currently using baking soda in her water and holding back on the food for now. She was doing this little head jerk / twitch a lot lately. I have not seen her do it all so far this morning.
Try posting this in the Emergencies/ Injuries/ Diseases and Cures section. If she has a twitch there may be something other then the crop involved.

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