Impatiently waiting for keets


May 22, 2022
One of my guineas has been sitting on a pile of eggs for what feels like forever!!!! I didn't mark the date down of when I noticed she went missing but I think it's been over 3 weeks now. I did find her several days after I noticed she was gone and like a dummy I didn't mark that date either. :hmm I did find her and I check on her everyday but I haven't seen any keets yet!
I have two other hens sitting on eggs and atleast with them I have an idea of when they started to nest and have been checking on them as well.
With this one hen it's just a waiting game 🙄🙄
One of my guineas has been sitting on a pile of eggs for what feels like forever!!!! I didn't mark the date down of when I noticed she went missing but I think it's been over 3 weeks now. I did find her several days after I noticed she was gone and like a dummy I didn't mark that date either. :hmm I did find her and I check on her everyday but I haven't seen any keets yet!
I have two other hens sitting on eggs and atleast with them I have an idea of when they started to nest and have been checking on them as well.
With this one hen it's just a waiting game 🙄🙄
26 to 28 days. If it has been 3 weeks she still has a week to go.

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