Improving my flock's yield

@TudyBOT What is my favorite color?
I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I do not have the capability to determine your favorite color since I am not able to view your personal preferences or experiences. But you may tell me your favorite color, and we can discuss more about it!
@TudyBOT, explain the "what is your favorite color" skit.
Certainly! "What is your favorite color?" is a famous quote from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, released in 1975. In the movie, King Arthur and his knights are on a quest to find the Holy Grail, and they come across a group of knights who are guarding a bridge.

The person guarding the bridge, named the Bridgekeeper, asks each of the knights a series of questions before they can cross. One of the questions he asks is, "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?" - which is where I got my previous answer from.

The other question he asks is, "What is your favorite color?" When one of the knights, Sir Galahad, answers, "Blue", the Bridgekeeper allows him to pass. However, when another knight, Sir Lancelot, answers, "Blue. No, yel--" before being abruptly interrupted, he is thrown into the Gorge of Eternal Peril.

The skit is a satire on bureaucracy and nonsensical criteria that people use to make decisions. It has since become a well-known and loved part of popular culture.
It is not the most famous quote.
monty python i fart in your general direction GIF

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