I'm quietly snickering so my husband doesn't ask what the heck I'm doing. :lau

:lau when I was at the airport yesterday, I was trying so hard not to laugh!! I had to quietly snicker too but I was ready to bust out in a fill on laugh. :lau

I didn’t wanna look like a weirdo laughing to myself lol

Right now though I’m the only one awake so I can laugh and I’ve been laughing for like a solid 5 minutes straight. :lau
In 2020 I'll let them go back to be a lot of fun and I don't want you to get out of the way and then we will see what happens if you can get away from each other

Have you been posting about naked neck chickens a lot and it’s focusing on the naked part? ;) :lau:lau:lau
Nope. :idunno,,,:gig
In 2020 I'll let them go back to be a lot of fun and I don't want you to get out of the way and then we will see what happens if you can get away from each other

Nope. :idunno,,,:gig

Sooo... you don’t want me to get out of the way but you also want them to get away from each other? Which is it. :lau :pop

And I’m glad you’re letting them go back to being fun cause the other option doesn’t sound like fun :lau

And :lau your phone is just a weirdo then!!! :lau

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