In a word, how would you describe your garden as of today?

Rekon I should have filled barrels up and let set a couple days to let clorine evaporate. Pored on from a watering can I believe it burning the foliage. Sure smells strong and people wondering why everyone getting cancer . Imagine that.Water quality so pour got to put crap that whiten your clothes.Cheers
Ohh thank you Lord I finally got rain.The garden will florish now
The simplest things we take for granite.I also take a trip into the mountains of west virginia.Live In cave live off the land for a while.This will make you appreciate everyy things we take for granite .Then you see them as luxiary instead of being for granite .Also clears the mind also
away from the rat race . Cheers
Hi all 😊
WAY behind in my garden this year because I got my first chicks so I've been happily occupied with them. Spuds all went in on time, St. Patricks day. Need to play catch up fast so plan to sow some peas, beans,cabbage, carrots & winter squash tomorrow. Short season here so I've missed the boat for my toms & peppers ( and prob my winter squash too)

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