In Need of Prayers

Classy Chick

Oct 18, 2012
Our little husky boy Cisco is need of prayers right now. He was diagnosed with Evans Disease, and is fighting for his life. His immune system is attacking his red blood cells, causing major problems. He is in good sprits, but we are all sick with worry. We love him so incredibly much, and are in need of every little bit of help we can get.
Sorry to hear about your little guy's illness. I'm not familiar with Evans Disease but know the worry of a sick pet. Praying that Cisco will be well soon. Keep us posted, ok?
Sending prayers your way! Get Well Soon Cisco!!!
Update: I have not been on in a while due to mourning the loss of my show horse (R.I.P Moonlight), but wanted to thank you all so much for the support. Cisco has made a miraculous recovery, one that surprised even the vet. He beat all of the odds, and we are so thankful that he is back to his old self! Here is is now posing with his new little nephew Koda
Update: I have not been on in a while due to mourning the loss of my show horse (R.I.P Moonlight), but wanted to thank you all so much for the support. Cisco has made a miraculous recovery, one that surprised even the vet. He beat all of the odds, and we are so thankful that he is back to his old self! Here is is now posing with his new little nephew Koda

Hooray for Cisco!!!
Cute pic!!

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