In terms of roosters, which breed has given you the most success?


Sep 20, 2020
Southern U.S
Long winded explanation:
My grandparents are having predator problems so are unfortunately down to two pullets.
Me and my family are planning to help them predator proof and then I want to raise them some chicks so they can have some more chickens.
The main problem is that in the last batch of chicks I raised them (pure ameraucanas) they kept one rooster but he unfortunately turned to be aggressive so they got rid of him. He was very hard for them to manage and I don’t want them to have that problem again.
So, I was thinking that when I get some chicks, I’ll order some pullet chicks cheap from a local hatchery or get some from the pullet bin at my local feed store. But in the event of a rooster, I want to make sure that I have the greatest possible chance of him being freindly.

So, which breed has been the most successful in turning out the friendliest roosters for y’all?

Disclaimer: I understand that all roosters are individuals, but I believe certain breeds are more likely to produce individuals certain temperaments.
Phoenix. Haven't had a human aggressive one yet and they di good alarming for aerial pred!tors here
That’s cool! Sounds like an interesting breed.
It’s so hard to tell because of how little evidence was left after the crime scene but I think my grandparents have been dealing primarily with aerial predators.

They managed to hatch out one little Ameraucana chick before they gave away the rooster but unfortunately, they didn’t keep the mom and chick in the coop like I warned them to and the chick disappeared without a trace. I’m thinking it might’ve been a crow or hawk. :/

With their fully feathered pullets, only a few feathers on the ground and some on top of the fence.


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Buckeyes are nonaggressive yet friendly and they are gentlemen to the hens. I would recommend them before any other. Exhibition Plymouth Rocks and Delawares also tend to be gentle.
Buckeyes are nonaggressive yet friendly and they are gentlemen to the hens. I would recommend them before any other. Exhibition Plymouth Rocks and Delawares also tend to be gentle.
I love that! The hatchery ones don’t seem too terribly pricey either.
Honestly, we’ve had the best luck getting barnyard mix eggs from someone who had a super people-friendly rooster. Both the cockerels that we hatched from his eggs are very friendly. Bonus if the people you get them from have kids also.
We have a Salmon Favorelle. We had Light Brama, Hatchery Egger, SLW. All were okay with us and the kids but not so friendly to the ladies. Maybe because we did not had enough ladies for all the cockerels and because they were teenager.
We have a Salmon Favorelle. We had Light Brama, Hatchery Egger, SLW. All were okay with us and the kids but not so friendly to the ladies. Maybe because we did not had enough ladies for all the cockerels and because they were teenager.

By not so friendly with the ladies what do you mean?

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