In the end.

feather and mountain man

Corn fed Indiana farmgirl
10 Years
Jan 17, 2010
A person asks was it all worth it? Ups and downs, laughs and frustrations, points made and confusion. I guess this is a question that we all ask once in a while.
Hopfully the good out numbers the bad in all our lives
F & MM, I'm guessing that I am closer to the end than you
, and YES it's been/is worth 'it'. The mistakes made and torments/heart breaks suffered I probably would not correct because they have helped me become the person that I am. I'm happy with myself and with my lot in life. I'm a very lucky man.
Yep. No matter how great or small. Some where, some time, some how, you loved and were loved.
I guess it all depends on if you made a difference during your time here. Did you affect someone else's~or many people's~ life in a positive way? If so, I would venture to say that it was all worth it to THEM.

By a show of hands, how many people feel like they know why they are here on Earth? I've always been curious about this....
Selfish I know but it was worth it to me wouldn't change a thing....... not sure I would base my existence on my impression on others.
Beekissed, I think it is man's lot in life to always search for that purpose. At 70 I am still actively searching. For me one thing I do know is that for me people touched/helped and friends made is a part of the 'purpose'. For sure it's not based upon the "impression that I have made on them." It's the impression they have made upon me.
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I wasn't speaking of impressions one makes upon another, I was speaking about how you effect others. Impressions are just that, while effecting their lives is deeper and more based on intent. You can walk into a store with orange hair and make an impression on many people. You can walk into the same store with orange hair and help an old lady take her groceries to her car.

Did the orange hair affect her or did your actions? Did your actions merely make an impression or did they go a little deeper...maybe she was feeling down, helpless, sick or like nobody cared about her that day and along you came and gave her hope that she is not so alone and maybe someone does care about her. The orange hair? I doubt it could be that much of a pick-me-up.
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