Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

I got a pip! First pip with a shipped egg!
It makes me sick. I was looking forward to bobwhites calling.

I had a big hatch going and my incubator failed during lockdown - I think one of the chicks pecked at the wires (one of the wires was disconnected). When I got home, the chicks inside were ice cold and shivering, the eggs were cold - the temp was reading 60 degrees. I had other 'bators running, so I consolidated the incubating eggs, moved over all the pipped and unpipped eggs, and the 2 cold chicks to one of the other bators, bumped up the humidity and took it off the turner. I had 15 more eggs hatch (out of 25). A couple of the eggs that were pipped during the crash, didn't hatch. But I had a pretty good hatch after they got really cold. Good luck with yours!!! I hope they hatch!!!
Another incubator that has been perfect on temps and humidity is having an abysmal hatch. I contacted the supplier and he told me he had one report of 100% hatch and another of 0 out of 250. He also offered to resend the order if I payed the shipping. I declined on a free order. I will PAY for another order in a week or so. Sometimes you just have BAD luck. I won't let it stop me. :)
I really don't know. I so hope they are. I'm taking the advice of another member and riding it out. If there is nothing by Friday I will clean the incubator out with a heavy heart. :(

So sorry this happened! I had a similar thing happen with my bator randomly shutting off. I checked it before bed and everything was fine. Woke up the next morning and it was off and the eggs were cold. (@day 13 of incubation). Turned out a wire was loose and once I fidgeted with it, it came back on. I candled at on day 15, and 13 of the 16 eggs showed movement! Woot!! So yes, I'd say keep those babies warm and see what happens. ~sending good hatch vibes~

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