Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

Hello all you clever people!

I've read so much on this forum about humidity, candling, embryo development, etc. And it's been exciting putting my first ever chicken eggs into the Brinsea incubator.

One thing I don't know is: What day is day 21? It was a Thursday evening when I set 7 eggs, and after 14 days only 1 wasn't developing. Sunday night the eggs started to jiggle and the automatic turner stopped on Monday. I topped up the water pots, took out the turning disc, put in a rubbery shelf liner and am in lockdown with the 6 developing eggs.

Now, however I'm wondering whether the Brinsea may have been set incorrectly and should day 21 be Thursday? Lockdown Monday lunch-time feels too soon.

Should 21 days mean: set eggs Thursday, likely hatch Thursday?

I count the day I set the eggs as day zero. The next day at that same time is day 1. With that being said, incubation temperature will affect hatch day, if the temp is a little low...say 98 degrees the embryo will grow slower than if the temp was optimal for your type of incubator. A slightly higher than optimal temp may result in a day early hatch. Good luck with your hatch and be sure to let us know how it goes!
Hello all you clever people!

I've read so much on this forum about humidity, candling, embryo development, etc. And it's been exciting putting my first ever chicken eggs into the Brinsea incubator.

One thing I don't know is: What day is day 21? It was a Thursday evening when I set 7 eggs, and after 14 days only 1 wasn't developing. Sunday night the eggs started to jiggle and the automatic turner stopped on Monday. I topped up the water pots, took out the turning disc, put in a rubbery shelf liner and am in lockdown with the 6 developing eggs.

Now, however I'm wondering whether the Brinsea may have been set incorrectly and should day 21 be Thursday? Lockdown Monday lunch-time feels too soon.

Should 21 days mean: set eggs Thursday, likely hatch Thursday?
Yes. The day you set is the expected day of hatch. Count starts 24 hours after set. Monday would be lockdown for an expected Thursday hatch.
It's not uncommon to see jiggling/rocking around day 17 as the chick positions itself, (head under right wing beak up) for hatch. Usually after the initial rocking the eggs will go still until the internal/external pipping starts normally between days 19-21. Higher temps will cause early development/hatch while cooler temps will cause delays. So anytime between now and Thursday you should hear peeping or see pipping for an on time hatch. Good luck with it!
I asked a similar question on another thread. Here is what I decided. If i set the eggs early that morning I count it as day one if its evening I start day "one" the next morning. My thinking is it takes a little while for the egg to reach the temp that things start to happen. If your off a day it should be fine
The incubation period for chicken eggs is 21 days, meaning they need 21 days of heat at proper temps. The reason the day set is not counted is because the don't have one day of incubation until they've been incubated 24 hours. After 24 hours they are day 1. It's like a baby being born. A baby is not a day old until 24 hours after birth.

Now if you are like me, and you run the incubator slightly higher tempwise, you end up with 19/20 day incubation at hatch.
I am going to hatch some white ameraucanas soon! I have a 7 egg incubator, a lot of people said they couldn't get anything to hatch out of theirs because they are so cheap.
But I'm hoping I have some luck!:fl
Has anyone ever gotten eggs off of ebay?

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