Incubating duck eggs, simple question..

2 many chickens

Jan 14, 2017
I'm new to incubating and have a simple question.. I put 9 eggs in the incubator on February 2, so do I start that as day 1 or would February 3 be day 1 since they'd be in there for 24 hours then? Does that make any sense lol?

also, my temperature is 37.8 right now.. What exactly should the temperature be set at on 'lockdown"
I've been googling but a lot of sites say different. Thanks all. Super excited, can't wait for the day they hatch!!
Hi! The 3rd would be day one so start counting from there. Personally with the temperature I don’t change it at lockdown, some reduce it a little. But make sure you up the humidity.
I find it easiest to count by weeks as far as possible, say if I set today (Friday), then going down the calendar to each successive Friday as a week or seven days. So, 3 Fridays down for chicken eggs, 4 for duck eggs.

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