Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

I have a question for you more experienced hatchers. I am working on my second hatch and have one egg that has be
eds of brown moisture on it. Is this what a newly hatching egg should look like or is this one pre-explosive? Thought I'd ask since several of the entries indicate recent experience with exploding eggs.

I don't quite understand the moisture thing. Is it pooling on the egg or is the egg laying in it. Also does it smell if yes chuck it before it turns into a egg bomb.
The eggs were very cheap......

I meant partially developed not hatched, sorry bad choice of words.

I had killed many eggs this summer already so killing another 40 is not a big deal.

Sometimes if it wasn't for bad luck I would have no luck at all. I am thinking of getting a better incubator, one with humidity control and several racks, next year.

My wife is thinking I won't be getting a different one.

The outcome is still up in the air. I am building brooding pens now for net year, so I think it means I definitely need a bigger better incubator!!

She has not figured out they are brooding pens/boxes harmony currently prevails here..........

You'll have to talk to @Alaskan about incubating, brooding, etc. behind the spouse's back....

Sigh.....all these little eggs and just dying to know what's going on inside of them
Must not touch the eggs

I have a confession...

DS needed to be entertained and candling was literally the only thing I could do. That was yesterday.
I lost one of the eggs; it was from my favorite sex-link and it was the egg that I'd dropped another egg on when I was surprised during a turn.
But I still have four, so the hatch continues. =D

Me too! Hoping all I well. I've had a couple of temp issues. Hope no one either fried or froze.
Please see reply to calichick.

I'll join in since I have two eggs due to hatch on the 8th that I set on my birthday. These are special since they are the first eggs I get to hatch from my own flock not purchased to get the breed into my flock.
It's such a high to hatch your own eggs!!!
They aren't my favorite but my mother loved them so I have two for her. I prefer my D'uccles, Marans, and Easter eggers.

I'd like some EEs. I have sex links, barn yarders, and Cochin Bantams.

Bantam Cochin fan here
so sweet and friendly...we are pet chicken people so perfect for us!

DH was kind enough to buy me a few, but our primary purpose in having chickens is eggs and meat (that's what the LFs are for). I just enjoy the Cochin Bantams. =D

I love my bantam Cochins. Forgot about them. I'm a breeder and sell my eggs so kind of have a huge range of breeds.

I have a range of breeds too (not a breeder, just a Back Yarder).

10% left on my battery....=(
I have a question for you more experienced hatchers. I am working on my second hatch and have one egg that has be
eds of brown moisture on it. Is this what a newly hatching egg should look like or is this one pre-explosive? Thought I'd ask since several of the entries indicate recent experience with exploding eggs.


Probably pre-explosure. If you aren't positive, isolate it in one part of the incubator covered by a paper towel.
I have a confession...

DS needed to be entertained and candling was literally the only thing I could do. That was yesterday.
I lost one of the eggs; it was from my favorite sex-link and it was the egg that I'd dropped another egg on when I was surprised during a turn.
But I still have four, so the hatch continues. =D

LOL...that is a GREAT candle-o-holic excuse for sure
Sorry you lost one of your eggs
Today I candled the eggs under my broody
really fast since she got up to take a dusting break. She has 5 under her...two definitely are developing, one looks questionable and 2 are pretty clear. They are day 5 now so it is 2 days early, but I HAD to take advantage of the fact she was up didn't I???? After all what if she doesn't get up on Friday the real candle day
Then what would I do??? OK....but I did not touch any of the eggs in the bator so that must count for something...right????

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