Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

Friday, 8/8.
Oh how exciting!!!! babies all over the place!

I STILL have no idea about the other egg under my broody
but her first baby is really healthy and climbing all over her
Poor momma sitting on eggs with a crazy baby
Got two babies. My second zipper had not progressed this morning so I popped the top for it. It still hasn't kicked out. Don't know if it will make it or not.

Pulled 12 eggs last night. That leaves 35 total. Only left one whipped egg that might be okay. I just don't think it will but looking forward to the others

Good luck all!

Good Luck.

I know patience is the word in assisted hatching, but we lost one by not assisting soon enough (Such a guessing game). It was dead in the egg, It had pecked a hole and laid there for a 12 hours. We picked the shell off the hole to allow more air at that point and the chick looked alive. About 18 hours after that we decided to help and it was dead...

Gratz on all the chicks everyone has and are coming.

I ended up with 9 healthy pheasant chicks and 1 in ICU. I am guessing the 8 remaining eggs are no go. Today is the day I thought they would hatch so I am leaving them until tonight before I throw them out. I just put a cornishX baby in ICU so the pheasant has company now. Fingers crossed for both of them..

Welcome ChookyGirl,

Again GOOD LUCK and great Hatches to you all.
Ok...time to give everyone a good laugh at my expense! My egg under my broody is not hatching yet was a FEATHER!!!!! I saw against the egg
I only got to look super fast since broody momma was coming back and I didn't touch anything in her nest so got all excited and jumped to conclusions
So now I am thinking the last 2 eggs under her are hatching as planned in 6 days. So far broody Peep is caring for the one chick that did hatch early and sitting on her eggs not budging....what a good broody she is
LOL...sorry egg breakfast for you
Hehe...we have bantam eggs and it takes 3 just to make one breakfast! If I were using my hens eggs to hatch(we can't have a Roo)...hubby would never have fresh eggs again..LOL

It takes a lot of self control not to hatch every egg my girls lay and build more and larger incubators to accommodate them....... But DH likes eggs (it's one of his favorite food groups), we eat them almost every morning for b-fast; I'm eating two pullet eggs right now, I was eating two banty eggs when I had a laying banty. The Banty girls I have right now aren't laying yet, but they should be soon. I think we're going to have to start measuring eggs in a cup for baking season.

Well I am definitely no expert here but I usually candle the night of day 17...then stop turning, touching as of day I say we do it tonight!!!!
Do you mark anything when you candle before lockdown? I have seen people mark air cells but I never have. I am still learning so until now my candle experience has been...

1st candle...somethings in there!
2nd candle...definitely growing!!!
3rd candle...looking crowded in that egg and ready to bust out!!!!

And looking for aircells in correct location and size

LOL...completely scientific ya know

Yup, that's about as scientific as I've been. I haven't been incubating long, so I haven't nailed down exactly what I do when I do it. Basically:
1st candle (day 7): veins
2nd candle (day 14): movement (development assumed based on size; I'd never throw out an egg b/c the chick didn't move)
3rd candle (day 18): crowded egg, hopefully movement...I do mark the air cell, b/c I've had some less than desirable incubating/lockdown circumstances, so I've had to try to assist in some hatches; although none of the ones I've assisted have made it and they really started out as egg-topsies.
Candling really only allows us to take out clears at the beginning, quitters in the middle, and marking the aircells allows us to help with hatching if that becomes necessary and is something we're willing to do (some are and some are not).

Thanks y'all for the sympathy. I have a lot more eggs set in the incubator or going to be in the incubator soon. It is just upsetting because my hatch for the 8/2 went very poorly and I only have one chick from 18 but she even might not make it so this is just frustrating.

Incubating eggs is something that has a big learning curve. It can be frustrating. I don't have any chicks that I hatched out myself; I'd hate to even figure what my hatch rate is, honestly. I'll do it for you. I'll post it later.
Got two babies. My second zipper had not progressed this morning so I popped the top for it. It still hasn't kicked out. Don't know if it will make it or not.

Pulled 12 eggs last night. That leaves 35 total. Only left one whipped egg that might be okay. I just don't think it will but looking forward to the others

Good luck all!

Congrats on the two!
Hope the third surprises you and kicks out and does well!!!
for your 35. =)

Oohh, I didn't see this thread before now! Do you mind if I join in? My 8 chickies are due on the 9th. I have 7 eggs under my broody bantam wyandotte, and a cracked egg (dropped on day one, and taped back together. It's developing well and nicknamed "Crackle") in the incubator incase I need to assist it out. They are silkies, frizzles and sizzles. Today is lockdown! I'm already feeling so impatient! Hopefully Saturday will be the day!

I have four in the incubator due Saturday too! Mine are just barnyard mixes from my sex-links, well, and one white Leghorn under a WLxGLW roo. So excited!!!!!
Oh how exciting!!!! babies all over the place!

I STILL have no idea about the other egg under my broody
but her first baby is really healthy and climbing all over her
Poor momma sitting on eggs with a crazy baby

It's got to be like being pregnant and having a toddler. You walk with them as much as you can and then you sit on the couch and try to get them to behave, but in the end, you fall asleep and the little one crayons on the walls...

Good Luck.

I know patience is the word in assisted hatching, but we lost one by not assisting soon enough (Such a guessing game). It was dead in the egg, It had pecked a hole and laid there for a 12 hours. We picked the shell off the hole to allow more air at that point and the chick looked alive. About 18 hours after that we decided to help and it was dead...

Gratz on all the chicks everyone has and are coming.

I ended up with 9 healthy pheasant chicks and 1 in ICU. I am guessing the 8 remaining eggs are no go. Today is the day I thought they would hatch so I am leaving them until tonight before I throw them out. I just put a cornishX baby in ICU so the pheasant has company now. Fingers crossed for both of them..

Welcome ChookyGirl,

Again GOOD LUCK and great Hatches to you all.
Sorry about your ICU babies.

Yay for the 9 healthy babies.
When I'm sure mine have quit, I do egg-topsies according to assisted hatching protocol, just to make sure I don't throw away any chicks.

Ok...time to give everyone a good laugh at my expense! My egg under my broody is not hatching yet was a FEATHER!!!!! I saw against the egg
I only got to look super fast since broody momma was coming back and I didn't touch anything in her nest so got all excited and jumped to conclusions
So now I am thinking the last 2 eggs under her are hatching as planned in 6 days. So far broody Peep is caring for the one chick that did hatch early and sitting on her eggs not budging....what a good broody she is

I KWYM about having to look fast. Glad they're not hatching early. Sorry you have to wait 6 more days.
Happy for you that Peep is such a good broody.
BTW, Peep wouldn't happen to be named after Peep in the Big Wide World's Peep, would she?
I'm locking down tonight. I'll turn one last time, put wet paper towels on egg cartons in the ends of the incubator, and sit on my hands. I'll check the temp, but that's it until they start hatching. I've got to figure out how to use the glass lid of the cooler-bator on the box-u-bator I have the eggs in....Hmmmmm....I'll figure it out.
Ok...time to give everyone a good laugh at my expense! My egg under my broody is not hatching yet was a FEATHER!!!!! I saw against the egg
I only got to look super fast since broody momma was coming back and I didn't touch anything in her nest so got all excited and jumped to conclusions
So now I am thinking the last 2 eggs under her are hatching as planned in 6 days. So far broody Peep is caring for the one chick that did hatch early and sitting on her eggs not budging....what a good broody she is
Ha Ha1

Yeah for broodies!

I put the two chicks in the brooder and the last one I pealed out of the shell and un-stuck but I don't know that it will make it any way. It doesn't seem to want to do anything but peep. It was kicking pretty good while I was working on it but now it is just kind of laying on it's back, legs twitching and it is peeping. I'll give it until morning, then I will dispatch it if it is not doing any better.

That is the sucky part of hatching.

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