Incubating peafowl eggs.


8 Years
Jul 20, 2011
I can use any tips you may have. I have 8 silver pied eggs in the Incubator. They are In a Brinsea eco 20. temp is 99.5 what should the humidity be. i have been doing some reading and seen some sites that say to keep it at 60% till last three days then up it. this is my second attempt at peafowl eggs. last year i tried 4 shipped eggs and 2 of them made it full term but never piped the shell. any tips would help.

thank you
I just hatched one in my ECO 20. I kept the humidity at 40 til lockdown. I put the egg on its side and hand turned 3x a day in addition to the autoturn cradle.
I use 60% and it works fairly well. I think the humidity is fairly flexible, anywhere from 40-60% will probably be ok.

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