INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Hello everyone, my family abd I ate newbies that just hatched 3 chicks one week ago. Today a friend gave me 4 more chicks. Is it ok to put them together. The eggs I hatched came from her, but she says the new chicks came from the auction. I am concerned about illness, disease or aggressiveness. Please help!
@JerseyPeach You have my attention! Hello, and welcome to BYC! Please tell us all about what you have, want and what we can talk you into!
And tell me where in Jersey you are from!
The ducks are adorable, but I LOVE your pup!!!!!
Thank you!

You train him to do that?
Nope! He chose my chicks as as his companion on day one several years ago. If I put dog steps in front of the brooder, he will sit at the top to watch them. If they are next to the bed, he lays there the whole day. The first mail order chicks I had took to him in an instant. They followed him everywhere, and used him as mom when they were chilled. He has never taken to another animal or person the way he does chicks.

Hello everyone, my family abd I ate newbies that just hatched 3 chicks one week ago. Today a friend gave me 4 more chicks. Is it ok to put them together. The eggs I hatched came from her, but she says the new chicks came from the auction. I am concerned about illness, disease or aggressiveness. Please help!
Yes, you can put them together as far as size/age. As for being from the auction, I see your concern. For that reason, I would have to say that you should keep them completely separate (rooms too) and be sure to keep your hands and clothes clean when switching between brooders.
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