INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Today got off to a decent start; just woke up to 2/12 chicks hatched that weren't officially due 'til tomorrow. Not bad, so far, considering I really didn't expect any to successfully hatch after all the humidity swings from the beginning, so every one's an unexpected bonus. The
rest of the day should be interesting.

Does anyone know if there is a link to the conversation about stuff to make sunburns feel a bit better?
not that i know of but i think you got alot of answers, how is it now??

I just checked; found the same thing, probably in Random Ramblings. There's something else they added, but I don't remember what. Also some mention of vinegar being used in conjunction with something, in the same thread.
aloe, vit E,white vinegar on paper towels, raw potatoes blended with water, yogurt, etc

Two more visible pips started.

Ouch! I got my legs burned so bad at Myrtle Beach that I couldn't wear shorts, jeans, or shoes for the trip home; DW had to drive. Legs were only bare on the beach for 1/2 an hour.

Woke to two more!! That's twenty so far from hatch 2! I still have a dozen egg but my lone blue egg has hatched so I have one from that hen and she's so pretty! I've started sexing them and so far it's looking pretty even which is nice but I hope the blue one is a girl lol because I want to see the egg color differences. But I have more blues I just put in a few days ago so either way I will be ok I guess. I still haven't gotten photos!!

Congrats Ken!
I have 10 little ones heading to the brooder shortly.
I have 3 late bloomers that will stay in the hatcher for a bit, until they are capable of getting around a little better.
2 more Mille fluer, and one of my EEs were the late ones.
But of 13 eggs that made it to lock down, all 13 hatched! 100% for the first time in a loooong time!

cant wait to see pics!

Hey guys how do I get a broody hen to quit being broody
ice bucket dunk, or frozen water bottles under her

just a few more??


Yes that is why I bought her but I don't need her broody right now so I did the water thing and I'm hoping it works
Good luck!

Had to be go take care of my vets farm this morning which took a hour and a half.
Well I had 2 broody geese hatch eggs and I decided to let the geese do the brooding for me and everything was great so I leave to go do something be come back and most of the goslings are gone bubbles included. I'm hoping they will turn up but I don't know it makes me feel so bad.
oh nooo!!!! are they back yet??????

Well back in from doing things. Good news it's only 90*. Bad news my broody hen died this morning. It wasn't too hot yet I think older age got to her. So I rounded up the chicks and got the brooder back together.

5 down, 7 to go...a day problems yet

No. Killed my favorite hen. Long story. She is in the crock pot. About done cooking now.

Hi MC, miss you
sorry about your hen

My chick just hatched and there is a little red sack. Is it normal?

how is this chick doing now??

Set five eggs today:lol:

what breeds?

Oh lord what have i done? Just went and bought 12 lavender orp hatching eggs!!!!!! Omgoodness.
aw shucks now you have to set them

I just started thinking, that's not intestines right? I think it is a little smaller, but it's hard to tell since its drying off. It's acting pretty tired, but that's normal right? Sorry it's just this is my first time hatching in an incubator, and I'm just worried.
not intestines, belly button

My attempt at getting the heat up in the brooder; hasn't helped much. Still can't get it out of the mid-80's,
according to the thermometer I never thought to calibrate.

Not the best picture I've ever taken. Still in the 'bator, prior to the latest two to hatch. Actually have a picture of all 5 so far, but it's disappeared somewhere.

This is the one that I couldn't find. The single black & 5 yellows; 1 w/the black spot mid-back & another w/several smaller black spots further forward, which may be discernible if blown up.

You are fine..... Ask these guys how I was on my first batch or so! I'm still a horrid worrywart, but manage to tone it down now...... Mostly.

And I'm sure I'm gonna start worrying again soon if the last night pippers (started to zip this morning, but stopped) don't show progress soon.

you worry?? not you!

Oh no
. How long can you wait to assist? You can't if the others are popping can you, or is that the point of the sponge? Zip should be short from what I have read, right?
pip to zip 24 hours, zip 90 minutes

And everyone is silent when I come. Must not like me.
not true, it was a holiday

You must be the only one.
again not true

Thought I'd share the Christmas rope light/brooder idea again. This rope is warm to the touch and as you can see the chicks love it. I wound it on top of a piece of cardboard with a cut off box in top. Chicks are 3 days old if that and barn is 70* at night. I had to take them back from broody hen as she unfortunately died yesterday.
thats neat

Well it took a bit but the rain has finally moved in and put a kink in my outdoor activities. Was about ready for a break anyway. Gonna pay for it tmrw but managed to get all the panels down and neatly stacked. Now for the fun part, I hate pulling post. Half are in concrete half are rotten at ground level.
sorry to hear that but yay for free fencing!
This chick is from our 4/16 (ish) hatch. I looked at different threads to post and ask for possible help on identifying the breed, but there are so many different threads, I wasn't sure where to ask.
Any ideas? It came from a bunch of mixed eggs, but it doesn't look like any of the others. And it thinks it's a turkey- coloring is just like our bronze turkeys that have been raised with it. It's always hanging out with the turkeys.
no idea what it is but it's very pretty!!

First Peachick of the year. Sadly only one hatched and it is very needy and lonely AKA screeches whenever she is put down.

YAYYY!!!! house bird!

Day 21 is the most reliable.

First chick out. Last pip of the three so far. Other two coming along slowly. Nine hrs since First pip.

I had a great hatch this weekend
20 babies from 21 eggs! 18 new tiny CCL fluffies and 2 little blue egg laying pullets
Yay! Congrats! pics yet?

Hello, i'm caught up now



GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bawhahhahaaaaaa poor birdie lol
goat butts!!

No one likes me anymore.... Oh well
yes we do
or are you going to eat some worms now??

Mr!!!! YAY!!!! morning

I am good chaos!!

WE GOT TWO BABY GOATS~~ pics to come
gotta go give them bottles with kids, I be back as soon as I show all these kiddos!! they are so excited!!

LOL, Love them!! why are its ears green?

I doubt you want to see me. Hope you have an amazing day!!!

Yeah just a few

I set 100 eggs hatch is still in progress

I took care of my vets farm which was interesting they just found a paralyzed llama in a ditch on their farm said from the looks of it it had been their a week.
poor llama! good luck with the hatch!

Yeah it is, it's back side was paralyzed. The cause is from a tick and dogs can get it as well but llamas can get it a lot easier. They gave it medicine and are thinking it might heal back to normal.

Neither did he. He used a planter, at least I think that's what it was.

The kids are the hardest part, though I miss my sister. They are growing up so fast, and I only see them a couple of times a year


Appel pie is not food! It is a desert!
Apple pie is definetly food, for any time
and I am diabetic


O no!!
The metabolic syndrome ringing a bell? Diabetes type 2? Hige triglycerides? fatty liver? Cyrosis ?are ALL conectected to carbohydrates, grains and especially the Wonderful and tasty combination of fats and carbs! You ALL should reduce the grain consumption to the minimum! For your helth!
yes we should, i agree completely

LOL no they are not chaos... hard as rocks too, like I prefer them. No pedicures and nail polish for this chick lol.
just as they should be!
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