INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Good morning to everyone!!!! Except to Benny Good afternoon

Akrnaf2 Auroradream26 BaileyMChicks BrownFamFlock Chaos18 DwayneNLiz Fire Ant Farm Monstro MotorcycleChick TJChickens daxigait jwlpoultry
It is easy to learn and easy to do if you prepare yourself!
The problem is learning what is truly needed and healthy since the publicized as truth changes constantly.

Aske me and I will give you tge info that my practice is based on.
It is very simple first step you should do some blood check
Check for the levels of triglycerides , glucose, HDL, LDL, and make a special request for A1C test, and test for the funcyion of your liver enzymes. After you have your results practice according to this principal
1. Carbohydrates especially grains, wheat, barely, rice, corn ect you should eat for the minimum possible!
If you intend toneat from them eat the ones thst have low Glicimic index like Spelt or oats
2. No sugar, honey ect.
3, proteins are wonderful eggs, meet, fish, hige fat cheese are exelent (remmber no Bred!)
4. Vegetebels are wonderful except from potatoes ( l know I know, I am sorry!)
5. Fruit not to much ( grapes and watermelon are the eorst very high GI!)
6. Almond, nuts are extra good.
7. Oils the only one that you dhould use are olive oil or butter

After 4-5 months redo the blood tests and see if ther6 is any improvement.

I czn give you the expletion but it is very hard for me to write Glouconeogensis and outer terms like that in English! :D
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Morning Mc!!! :hugs

Good morning!

That is a break. My two boys started trying by 8-10 weeks.

I wasn't expecting any to bother. Even the neighbors' adults rarely bother. Steven Tyler is dominant.


For you Mc :hugs

@Sally Sunshine
OE that first pipped is out and the CBR/CCL is zipping

First hatch. Ancona Ducks. Set them Late on May 8th. Wasn't paying attention to days. (Cheapo still air, hand turn) Went to turn them last night and one moved
lol. So if I did the count right yesterday was day 25 and lock down? 28 days being Sunday? So far the entire time temp has stayed 100 +/-1. But humidity has not stayed consistent. Now I have water in bottom, a rolled up wet hand towel inside and a big towel wrapped around top on outside leaving 1 air hole open to get it at least 65%. I think if I open 2nd air hole I won't be able to keep humidity up. Its leveled at 73% but I'm sure it'll go down with lockdown. Is this all okay? Suggestions?

Started with 11 eggs. 2 were clear. 1 quit early took it out. At last candling (tuesday) 2 looked different then the rest but we left them in because were new and unsure. 3 were moving alot. The rest had some movement not nearly as much.
Hi everyone, I'm new and my name is jennifer. I've been lurking a bit but was waiting a little while to introduce myself. I'm about a week in to my first experience incubating and hatching eggs. I have a mix of shipped Ameracaunas, easter egger, olive eggers and black copper marans. I'll probably be in and out. Thanks.
Welcome!!! Good Luck!!
It's should be here this afternoon. I paid extra to get 1 day shipping. My husband thinks I'm crazy but my eggs are looking so good. I'm afraid the temps will mess them up...
You're not crazy, he is :) good luck!

Well, last night started day 19, and I needed to lock down my latest batch. I was tired, and stayed at a friends house, so my father was kind enough to move the eggs into the lock down bator I had set up the other day. When I candled on day 17, I marked the low points, where I thought they would pip, so he just had to lay them down, with the marks facing up! Only problem is, there were 6 seramas that were only on day 14, in the same bator. He didn't want to move them. I told him where those were situated, but he moved eggs based on the markings on the eggs. He left 8 eggs behind. So, I might have 2 eggs hatch in the turner. It's happened before.....

Happy Hatching everyone!
Good Luck on your eggs!!! can't wait to see pictures!

Hi, I'm coming over from the May Hatch-a-long.

I have 7 eggs in my incubator (after having tossed 2 - 1 blood ring and 1 infertile); due to hatch on June 11.
Welcome over!! Good luck!!

Ok I went through and I did read everyone's responses but I was unable to respond to everyone. This thread is so active lol. So sorry everyone it may take me a bit to get used to the activity lol. I think I've decided to do a staggered hatch after reading everyone's replies. Thank so much for all the responses. And yes my mind is definitely a bit touched since I started all this lmao. My husband sais I'm pure crazy haha :p
one of the most active threads, good luck keeping up!

I am pretty sure I won't be able to read this whole thread ; ), but I'd love to join in here and incubate with everyone!

I had the light bulb die in my cabinet incubator but most eggs look to have survived! I lost one Silkie egg but I noticed it had a little hole in the shell that I had missed.

I have two batches of duck eggs in there too. For some reason I try to hatch ridiculously small duck eggs. They are just too adorable... Mini ducklings!

My 11 Silkie eggs are on day 17, these are the first ones from my cabinet so I hope they have lost enough moisture!

I have broodies galore...

Serama 1 has 4 Silkie eggs left on day 15

Serama 2 & 3 sitting on a couple Serama eggs and 7 Silkie eggs on days 12 to 14 I think

Seramas 4 & 5 on 4 Serama eggs and 5 Silkie eggs... Serama eggs are several days ahead of Silkie eggs, will probably just take Silkie eggs out when Seramas hatch.

Salmon Faverolle has 9 Silkie eggs, just on day 4

Silkie is thinking about going broody. She has pretty much figured out the sitting part but hasn't figured out how eggs play into it yet!

I may have ordered some cuckoo Silkie eggs that will come next week so I will help her figure it out! I need to find a better spot for her though, the Silkies all pile on top of each other at night.

The more Silkies I have, the more I love Silkies. They are such crazy cute puff balls, it is hard to believe they are chickens. Even my son is getting excited about chickens and chicks, finally after a few years!

I can't wait to see what everyone else has goin on!

. Alyssa
welcome over! How are the ostrich doing?

Chaos!!! Where are you???? I have news!!!
Anyone else want to hear my exciting news??
My Red golden/Lady Amherst possibly pure of both or cross go into lockdown tonight for a Saturday hatch along with some chicken eggs.
WOOOHOOOO!!! i want pictures!!!

Pipped way below AC, there was a little blood at first but SHE made it out ok.

She was the first to pip, but not the first to hatch for my impatient friends!

Yay!!! congrats!!

I USED to have a date with Cashews at least three times a week, now I am told I have diverticulitis and need to change my eats.... I really miss my shews!!

YAY Alyssa is in the house!! OMG serama are so bad, always broody!! Too bad they cant majically keep a doz LF eggs under them lol!! But I have a broody Giant brahma right now!!! I am debating giving her the duck eggs I just set!! And NO way read this thread, although many have, you couldnt pay me to do it! lol The first and second posts have the helpful info in them linked throughout the thread and I TRY to keep pulling it, its nice to get tagged in good info so I dont miss putting it in the notes if its not there!

I just said to Heather aabove what I just set and have hatching soon too... tons of stuff going on here! I sold all my silkies to a friend to keep HarmonyAnns new polish chicks and icelandics... not sure where I will go with the icelandics but I will figure that out when the time comes!! anyway!! WELCOME OVER!! @darkbluespace
there is a way lol



Hello, my name is Ant Farm, and I think I have a problem...


The chick, Aj, died.
so sorry!!

Tell me what you eat and what you need and you will receive an educated response!
i see food, i eat said food. lol i'm just joking around

Good Morning!

Morning everybody
Good Morning! I'm here finally!

Well I don't think some of the chicks in my eggs remembered to set there watches. Went to bed last night with one OE pipped and woke up this morning to another OE and a CBR/CCL having pipped. So should have chicks sometime today.
didnt happen unless there are pictures......

Good Morning Everyone!
good morning mike!!

Morning all.
good morning!!!

I am so very sorry for your bad luck. Please know that we will all be here for you in this difficult time.

Good Morning beautiful!!
Since I didn't post them here yesterday, here are my new babies!
One of my nephews called last night crying (Brian's son). I told him I would name the suspected boy after his father. I am not sure if he was laughing or crying as he told me not to eat his father.

The one brave poult (they were all actually pretty brave) is all the way to the left.
So cute!

Just turned the 'bator off...gave up on the other 7 hatching
sorry on the last few, but at least tucker gave you a few, hopefully there will be a bunch of pullets

Morning, (__)? sitting here at 8:06 trying decide on playing hookey on chores or going fishing
Hookey!! go fishin!
good morning!

Good Morning Everyone!

Good morning,everyone!
good monring

Good morning everyone! I am sorry I don't have time at a stoplight to type everyone's name. It has taken me hours to catch up this morning on what I missed last night by falling asleep in my chair while trying to catch up. I hope voice type doesn't mess up.
lol, good morning!

Good morning everyone.
good morning!

Good morning everyone....
good morning!

I need to figure out how to get rid of some ducklings.....I've got a few gone already...but still willneed to rehome 7....
craigslist, or Banti

I am going to chill at Granny's for a few. IDK if I will catch up here.
See you later!

I might try and get out tonight....I'm going to town today to buy a new rod and birthday gift to me...

Sneak me her address....

No....this thread isn't for catching up....just jump on and act like you know what going on....
But yourself exactly what you deserve!! Happy birthday!

Off to get Friday started.
have a great day!

I really like the Jace pic and am gonna enter that... It is the chick vs Pebbles I just can't decide!
Jace pic and pebbles pic

I can't catch up! I keep trying and pages get added as I read! HA!

Good morning all!

All of you with pips are making me want mine to hurry up and hatch! 9 more days!
good luck!!

Don't worry about playing ketchup. Good morning.
ketchups the best part!

Good morning to everyone!!!! Except to Benny Good afternoon

Akrnaf2 Auroradream26 BaileyMChicks BrownFamFlock Chaos18 DwayneNLiz Fire Ant Farm Monstro MotorcycleChick TJChickens daxigait jwlpoultry
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