INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Whaaaaatt??? I said no such thing!
Unfortunately you did agree with me.

I would not cut it in half. She may need it full size later.
I think it gets noticed, just not mentioned. Some people might be afraid to say.

You are welcome!

But not me. That is okay. Banti apparently agrees with you.

I said feisty!

Disney deserves it.
You didn't ask but for her to be in good company would make you good company as well.
I have repaired with it. That is deer netting hanging down from the roof of the old turkey pen. It was pulled down for sectioning off the garden, then tied back up when the turkeys were allowed in the area in the fall. Then I got it all tangled in the tiller yesterday...
Did it work well for it's intended purpose?

I used it for part of the perimeter fencing. It kept chickens in and nothing more robust could keep raccoons out anyway. Even the foxes and coyotes ran around it rather than through.

They both start with an F.
Though I do know the difference.
I take it you don't have a lot of rabbits on your property.
Quote: Fair enough, but have you tried to raise turkeys or peafowl with chickens? Until one does, it's pretty easy to talk about darwinism. So many people never have a sick bird, ever, then they buy some poults or peachicks and suddenly start losing them to blackhead.

You didn't ask but for her to be in good company would make you good company as well.
Ah! But not mentioned in the response given at that time.

You're making me dizzy

Did it work well for it's intended purpose?

I take it you don't have a lot of rabbits on your property.
It does and did. In addition to being stronger than bird netting, it doesn't catch in everything it touches and it is easier to put up when alone.

I agreed that liz was good company, but I said nothing about MC. I thought that was a given.
Part of my charm. Nothing is a given with me but an insult. I don't ever think I am being complimented unless you actually say so. Then I think you are trying to be nice, but not honest.
read back from the weekend taken care of. Unfortunately had to cut my hatch short. Woke up Sun morning to the most gosh awful smell I think I've ever smelled. Seems as though the chicks that hatched were playing soccer and managed to crack open an egg that shouldn't have made it to lockdown. The smell was horrible. Our bedroom is on the far end of the house from where the incubator was at and I could smell it as soon as I woke up. Hatched out 6 of the 8 EE's and 15 of the 30 cochins. Wish it hadn't ended that way but happy with the 21 chicks that I got. They are cleaned off and in the brooder. Seem to be doing fine. Photos coming shortly. Have to post those from my phone.
You're making me dizzy
Me too. I gave up trying.

Did it work well for it's intended purpose?

I take it you don't have a lot of rabbits on your property.

I have a ton of rabbits, why?

Foxes and hawks get a lot but there are always some when I go outside.
Fair enough, but have you tried to raise turkeys or peafowl with chickens? Until one does, it's pretty easy to talk about darwinism. So many people never have a sick bird, ever, then they buy some poults or peachicks and suddenly start losing them to blackhead.


I agree. But I think that's why it isn't recommended to raise different species together.
It isn't even recommended to raise different ages together.
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