INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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You asked yesterday if there was anything I haven't done. The answer, obviously, is yes, but the jobs I have held, not necessarily in chronological order, and some concurrently, are:

Helper on a laundry truck prior to high school
Bussing tables in a restaurant my last 2 years of high school
Aluminum storm door & window installer
Roofing & sheet metal work
U.S. Census Bureau 
Securities & Exchange Commission
IBM (21 years as a Computer Operator)
Tandy Leather Co. store in Rockville, MD
Classified advertising salesman for a local weekly newspaper
Computer Operator Operator for Moore Business Forms, in Thurmont, MD for a short time
20+ years of newspaper motor routes routes, carrying Balt. Sun, Wash. Post, Financial Times, NY Times, Frederick News-Post
25 years as owner / operator of K&K Lawn Care
Several years of buying / selling horse tack
Decorative leather work

If I sums all your working years
I arrive to the 16th century! :lau:)hugs)
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She steals them. Duh! I didn't know...

I will.
Okay. No.

I wonder how many she could steal at once.
It wasn't a question.
I made it to 3 urban farms yesterday during the Sustainable Backyard Tour.
It was enlightening.
There were 48 properties on the tour. No way could I make them all.**.pdf
I went to the two closest to me and a large green roof with gardens, chickens and bees atop a U-Haul storage warehouse.
I wanted to learn about their substrate membrane and growing medium. I gave them some advice on their chickens. It was hot up there and they didn't have enough shade cloth.
It tied a record for the date at 98F, that roof was hot.

Now I have to drive back into the city to pick up a friend's border collie, my cockerel she adopted and feed and water her parrots.
She broke her hip in 3 places yesterday when I went to take her to lunch. Now she's getting surgery today. I don't know how long I'll have to care for the dog.
Friends are such a burden.
Depends on the friends
I am lucky. No blackhead. Third time with poults and chicks together.

I now have added ducks to my chickens and turkeys. The ducks have a wet room though. The others rarely go in it.


LOL! Are you saying I have none? Perhaps what I thought is what I thought after all.


I think I am have annoyed someone. I do apologize if I have. I am being as quiet as I can without just logging out.


If I sums all your working years
I arrive to the 16th century! :lau:)hugs)

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