INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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You nailed it, but your aim is a bit high. Good afternoon, BTW
this is what I am talking about
Morning anybody else who's up
I'm up and at work already. I woke about 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep, so I cleaned the hatcher. This week's hatch was somewhat disappointing. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. I had 2 sets of Ameraucana eggs, 5 of each, the Silkied Lavenders hatched all 5, but the Wheaten Ams were all fertile but never pipped. That seems like it's more likely a parent issue than an incubation one, right? But the Wheatens are in a much better pen with good ventilation and a spacious run, whereas the silkeds are in a rather stuffy, small pen. Same feed and care otherwise.
I'm up and at work already. I woke about 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep, so I cleaned the hatcher. This week's hatch was somewhat disappointing. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. I had 2 sets of Ameraucana eggs, 5 of each, the Silkied Lavenders hatched all 5, but the Wheaten Ams were all fertile but never pipped. That seems like it's more likely a parent issue than an incubation one, right? But the Wheatens are in a much better pen with good ventilation and a spacious run, whereas the silkeds are in a rather stuffy, small pen. Same feed and care otherwise.
Howdy. The madness continues, I see. Glad I didn't miss any while I was sleeping.
It continues.

I'm up and at work already. I woke about 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep, so I cleaned the hatcher. This week's hatch was somewhat disappointing. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. I had 2 sets of Ameraucana eggs, 5 of each, the Silkied Lavenders hatched all 5, but the Wheaten Ams were all fertile but never pipped. That seems like it's more likely a parent issue than an incubation one, right? But the Wheatens are in a much better pen with good ventilation and a spacious run, whereas the silkeds are in a rather stuffy, small pen. Same feed and care otherwise.
I would think with everything else being the same that it would be a parent issue.
I am so sorry about the disappointing results.  I'm hatching shipped  AC's right now.  I have out of 14 I set, 7 made it to lock down. Only 3 have hatched so far.  2 more pips, but that's it.   Day 21 started an hour ago, so I think they still have time.  Of 12 shipped silkies, 7 made it to lock down, 3 have hatched, 1 pip.  Of my own eggs I set, 10t, 7 made it to lock down, 5 have hatched, 2 pips.  So, shipping is rough.  

I agree, the heat has got to be horrible on shipping eggs.  I saw someone post earlier that they would use cold packs to ship eggs. I'm sorry your second was such a disaster,

I have a broody that every time she gets up to eat, someone else jumps in and lays an egg.  She had 12 eggs under her (she is a silkie) so my tenant that helps care for the chicks, thought she would be helpful and pull 6 out.  She didn't candle them.  She just chose 6.  They were outside in 110 degree weather for 30 minutes before I found out. I figure that is probably warmer than it was under the hen, but not long enough to kill them, so I dropped the 6 in to my running incubator.  I'll candle them at some point, but they could be anywhere from day 1 to day 14. 

I thought I was close to being done hatching for the summer.  I have about 6 eggs that are on day 16, and another 45 or so, that are on day 11.  Now I added these silkies, and a friend picked up a dozen BCM that she wants me to hatch.  So, I'll add hers, and will top off the rest of the bator with the last of my EE eggs that I think are fertile.   

THEN I will be done hatching for the summer.

:smack to the "helper" (thogh they tried!)
And :lau to you being "done" hatching!
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