INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Ok, I kinda have a problem here. I got home and checked on the chickens, and one of the black star hens was roosting lower than usual for her. (They all have their spots)

I noticed her tail was down, (Red flag) and when I checked her butt there was some green, watery poop on her feathers. This is something I have never, ever seen before. What causes sudden onset of green poop? She was normal this morning.
I'll travel to other countries when I've seen all of this one, & if I can afford it; neither is likely to happen. I did make into Canada once, for about an hour
Not likely here either. I am, however, an expert at travelling internationally on the cheap.

It's good to see all of one's country. This one is a tough nut to crack. I've missed a few states. Idaho and Montana in the west, Maine, VT, NH and CT in the east. It's usually easier for me to get to another country than those states.

I thought we spent about the same amount of time in Canada but remembered we stayed on the Canadian side of the falls once.

how do i know if i am buying the right 40w bulbs?
are these ok?
Any incandescent or halogen bulb will produce heat. You do not want a rough service bulb though. The Teflon coating will poison chickens.

A more reliable and efficient heat source is a metallic heat element.

How did you originally get them into Excel? Did you go page by page copy and pasting?

I had 6 years of Spanish. I'm exposed to Spanish almost every day, but I don't understand half of it, and I can't speak it any longer. My conversational spanish class had us watch tela novelas on the spanish channels. Basically, a Spanish speaking soap opera. I might start to watch them again, see how much I can pick up.

When I was 6 or 7 were all up at my Aunt's house, my other Aunt and Uncle were leaving and we were all out in front. As he backed up, their cat had crawled up in to the wheel well of the car, and got crushed when he backed up. About 10 kids, 6 adults all watched it happen - my dad just grabbed a shovel near by and tossed it in to a ditch, they got all of us inside, and then my uncle took care of it later. More than 40 years later, I still remember it.
My landlady in CR watched those daytime soaps from Mexico. I only watched the news.
It all helps.

Some things are etched in our memory banks forever.

I'd been out cutting firewood many years ago in the dead of winter, and backed down into the back of the property to unload it. I didn't know it, but our cat had climbed up into the warm engine compartment. I cranked up the truck and heard the God-awfullest sound, and saw the cat streaking out across the ground. I popped the hood; it looked like an explosion in a pillow factory in there. Somehow, the cat was unharmed, but I'm sure she used up one of her allotted 9.
I wish the mice that build nests in our engine compartments would learn the same lesson. I can't keep them out of my mower or generator.

Traverse City......pick up Grand kids.
Traverse City is a nice town.

can a chick get worms at 4 days old if never been on soil?
seems impossible to me

I don't stink so.
Nice angry avatar.

Has anyone ever had an ice cream float with ginger ale?
50 years ago.

No, but I've had vanilla ice cream with Old Bay on it, ONCE...can't recommend it
I believe it. I think many of us have consumed nonrecommended items.
Hi all,been hard at the books. Two more weeks of class and I am hitting the studying habits hard ontop of everything else. Will be ready to drink when this round of class is over. I get two weeks of no classes then back to start fall semester. Physics and more math coming up this fall I think. Owwwwww
Ok, I kinda have a problem here. I got home and checked on the chickens, and one of the black star hens was roosting lower than usual for her. (They all have their spots)

I noticed her tail was down, (Red flag) and when I checked her butt there was some green, watery poop on her feathers. This is something I have never, ever seen before. What causes sudden onset of green poop? She was normal this morning.
Sorry she isn't well. Can you post a picture of her poop?

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