INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Good to the last drop!
Not sure how much there is to it, but I always thought they wouldn't spray unless scared or startled.
Yeah, it's like their last ditch defense mechanism.

My family and I were camping at a state park about 80 miles south of here sitting around the campfire at night and a 3 legged skunk walked right through the camp just a few feet from any of us. It acted like we weren't even sitting there.


- Ant Farm

@Fire Ant Farm

I can see why the deer don't like them. We have the agave plant here. Extremely sharp spines. Our flower bed probably doesn't have room for the Yucca plant. I think we have something similar to it down by the deck. They have a very long trunk now.

For tequila and aguamiel (agave nectar)?

and pictures just 'cause

You have Ayam Cemani?
What are the three in the first picture?

A new coon skin hat for winter? Sounds like a win-win to me.
A hat and grilled coon meat to give the chickens an animal protein boost. Win-win-win.

I am surrounded by idiots. I am afraid of what I will shoot.
I get that. I also call that a target rich environment.

yes I would have left it, call me cruel

LOL!!! Not cruel, plenty of valid points for each side, I just keep these birdies as pets so I save as many as I possibly can.

Mornin Sunshine!!
I can see pulling out all the stops to help pets.
Mine are not pets. I didn't have to do this but I've taken it upon myself to help the Classic Black Penedesenca in the US become more popular and a strong example of the original European standard.
Perhaps the most important part of that task is to select the most vigorous birds. Especially with a small gene pool. If they don't make it on their own, they don't have a place here.

You should always expect the unexpected from me, don't you know this yet?
That is a given.


Maybe cold decaf don't do much good.
I quit coffee a long time ago, but when I did drink it, I loved Vietnamese iced coffee. Brewed in a tiny pot over ice with goat milk slowly mixed in. Yum
I also really liked espresso, especially doubles served in a café across the street from the Trevi fountain.

Decaf anything don't do much good but waste water.
So true.

I missed one, and I somehow have a cockerel left. Now I am left wondering who died yesterday?
That's why all my birds have numbered leg bands.


With regard to my paddock fence door that something was getting into, I used a concrete block to hold the bottom lip in place last night (I do that for the other ones), and I also moved a Nite Eyes set of "eyes" to right at the entrance, at about 1-1.5 ft high. Nothing messed with the paddock last night, which was gratifying.
- Ant Farm
I have a couple predator guards I plan on trying to test their effectiveness with trail cams but haven't worked out the details yet.

Ten in with the moms. They all seem okay. Still waiting on the remaining eggs.
Found another body from the coon attack. I am going with I just missed it yesterday.
When dealing with raccoons, it's important to keep in mind that they have huge territories. They rarely sleep in the same den each night. If you have a raccoon attack, they may come back the next night, however, they could just move on and it will be a week or more before they return.

Another reason I cringe when people say they have A predator (singular).

I'd LOVE to run a zoo!!
That would be nice, but I don't know if I have the energy it would take long term.

Banti isn't weird. She's gifted!
Is that what it's being called these days?
My wife calls one of my chicken group friends weird. She was offended. I told her weird could also be construed as magical.

Good Morning Everyone!

I have another broody, Icelandic, have no idea how many eggs at this time. Discovered her last evening so she started Sat. or Sun. Problem is she is on hay that I need so I will have to try to move her soon.

Make a new nest with the same hay so she'll take to it.

No problem at all. She's from Jersey; she knows where to hide them.
Ain't that the truth.

@ChickenCanoe . Good morning. To answer your question, my animals did well while I was vacation. I didn't loose any, the only issue I have is my goat Daisy Mae is still not well. I gave her another dose of LA300 this morning.
If I get up north this fall I will get with you on the cockerel. You are near STL. right?

Hey everyone! I have been so busy that I have not made it online. I love vacation, but it seems to make the weeks around it crazy.
Very near. Right in the north end of the metro area.
I'll hold one for you. I have 6 nice cockerels that hatched May 30 so they're 9 weeks today. I have some younger ones too so let me know.

I used to take a lot of mini vacations (because I had to). It does make surrounding time periods hectic. Almost not worth it.

Did you get it? Herfords don't have as much meat, but if it is a good deal home raised beef is sooo much better than the nasty stuff at the store.
Don't have as much meat as what? A Charolais?
All of our neighbors raised Herefords. We raised Angus. I remember when Charolais first came to the US and one of our neighbors embracing the biguns.

Hi Dax!! U had asked y I wanted cows not sure if u got my reply I had said Hereford, and to eat them
Grass fed and finished beef of most beef breeds is the best.

14 chicks out. Ten alive. 4 eggs might still hatch.
That is the definition of a protracted hatch.

I will read on that for later, but my large animal vet raises both horses and goats. She breeds and judges goats so I trust her.
That's a great asset. We have at least 3 good avian vets in the St. Louis area that raise poultry. Trouble is, they're on the other side of town from me about an hour away and they are so busy, you can't get right in. I had a sick hen I wanted to take in. It would be 3 days before I could get an appointment. They said I could bring her in and they would keep her under observation. I said, I can observe her right here. I ended up driving her to the Mizzou vet school 3 hours away for euthanasia and necropsy. That was the best move. She had cancer so the vet appointment wouldn't have done anything.

But I'm not hatching again until next year, honest!
I'm setting Wednesday to test the zodiac hatch theory. Then I'm setting 2 more times this month and probably each month thru the end of the year. Then I'll start up again in February.

I'm trying to earn my Master Enabler's badge
Is that really a thing?
If so, about half of the people on this thread qualify.
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Ok deciding on coop. Like I have said I have my leghorns that are probably 5 weeks and then my babies that are 2 weeks to 4ish weeks. Are the little ones still to little to put the big ones in with them or do I need seperate coops?
Except for some very aggressive game type breeds, they'll be fine. I always keep chicks together that are at least a month apart in age. Now is the time, before they start establishing pecking order.

Really? I'm not willing to believe me on that one.
Even the Mariana trench is only about 6 or 7 miles deep.
The deepest lake in the world is 1 mile deep. Lake Baikal in Siberia contains 20% of all unfrozen fresh water on the planet.
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