INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Running in to say Hi...Monday's are always so crazy busy at work!
How's it going?
Guinea catching is painful! Unless you wear goggles, a motorcycle helmet, jacket and use a big fish net on a handle. Wicked birds to try to catch. Knock ya goofy with their wings.

I have all that.
The neighbor' is mowing, and all I can think is, "Are the chicks out of their yard?!"

We listen for our neighbor to hit metal pipe and whatever else she has been shown over and over. Her poor husband replaces blades often.

Guinea catching is painful! Unless you wear goggles, a motorcycle helmet, jacket and use a big fish net on a handle. Wicked birds to try to catch. Knock ya goofy with their wings.

I am serious! Tried to catch ours earlier this year. Whopping Wing with better aim than a goose! Never again unless I am in some protective gear and have a net. Crazy brainless bird! They claw too!

I have all that.
The neighbor' is mowing, and all I can think is, "Are the chicks out of their yard?!"
oh no!! I am sure they ran away
Oh and on a totally non-chicken related note...

Is this a peach tree??? I noticed it along my fence line last night and was like - wait, is that a peach tree??? What an awesome discovery if it is!

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