INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Too bad she quit, I need to follow your plan B myself. 

I still want chickens just fewer. Going with the Altsterier only I think.

Thinking of making an incubator out of a 7 gallon bucket. Using the Christmas light rope for the heat source. It has a styrofoam liner as it was made like a drink cooler or food cooler.
Thank you! Should i start giving it medicated feed? And should i seperate it from the other chicks if it is a sickness?

You have to determine what the temperature was and if it was too hot.
I wouldn't switch to medicated feed. That is amprolium for coccidiosis. They went down too fast for that to be the problem.
If there is illness, then one should always quarantine.
That sound like an interesting home made incubator! 

It will be different. Not sure of the heat source yet. It registered at 108 so I'm curious to see what it does in an empty cooler first and how it handles outside air being cooler. The rope is flexible so I should be able to layer it between the racks of eggs. Getting the wafer thermostat in there will be a challenge. Turning them will be simple if it gets to that point.
Good night @Sally Sunshine
Catching up after being away for a bit. I had a wonderful vacation with granddaughters in Klamath Falls OR. Been working too many 10+ hour days since I've been back. I had a terrible incubator mishap/malfunction complete with exploding eggs. Pulled myself out of sadness and guilt from losing so many well-developed cooked chicks. Now broody my daughter due 10/2 keeps going into labor and is now on bed rest. Her two boys are 3 & 6 years old and full of energy, almost too much for me to handle.
Time to pull up my boot straps and get back on the horse!
I picked up chicks & eggs locally & even put a few of our own in the bator.
Gitty up!

Hey girl
Glad you made it back. My daughter is due 9/15 and has to go to the dr twice a week for stress test. I am watching her two daughters 2-6. They are handful. Boys must have twice as much energy. Sorry to hear about your incubator mishap. Take care.
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