INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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All my serama eggs have pips!

two are mals but chirping!! yes I pulled and checked those two
woot! sounds promising.

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my 2 silkies, praying both hatch they were alive and kicking on lock down. Got the humidity to 75% and now... we wait.

I'm not good at waiting. :(

Any secrets to waiting?
Don't know where to post to ask a question about guinea eggs in incubator. Well I just candled and was shocked with one of them, it seems like there were 2 chicks inside of one egg, is this possible or is it just one chick that is bigger then the rest. The 2 dark spots was not together but it did look like one part kicked its leg. Is it one or 2, I am a newbie to incubating guinea eggs. It is day 15 and they are developing nicey. What should the humity be now? What should the air sack look like. I can only find chicken threads. Where can I go to find guinea information?
Hi Jessie! @Jessie22

Welcome to the thread!
Did you by chance snap a pic of this egg? Is the egg larger? could be a double yolk?
Incubating and Hatching Guinea Fowl
@Sally Sunshine Everyone's doing great! Youngest brother is in sixth grade and has all As, and the younger brother has As and Bs and he's graduating this year. Mom's doing okay, as is Dad. Cousin popped out her baby, as did a friend over here. It's all good.
@Sally Sunshine Everyone's doing great! Youngest brother is in sixth grade and has all As, and the younger brother has As and Bs and he's graduating this year. Mom's doing okay, as is Dad. Cousin popped out her baby, as did a friend over here. It's all good.
Sweet!!! I assume babies all healthy and growing good too! wonderful!! It hassa suck you arent there with the lil bro, I am sure he loves you so much!!
So, if parent chickens had coccidia as babies, survived, grew up, and layed eggs. The eggs were incubated in an incubator, and upon hatch were immediately sent to another farm all together with no coccidia in the pens, would the newly hatched chicks still get coccidia?
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