INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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thats great, and kinda what i am hoping to do for my daughter, she will be 5 in Dec, so will go to Kindergarten next year and be one of the oldest kids in the class

we still have 1/2 day kindergarten here, so i am hoping to do something similar

Miss Trixie is a Chestnut, my daughter likes her in purple (her halter is purple and silver)
just let me know how much i owe you if you make me one
i loved the one you posted a picture of awhile ago
my daughter can't read yet. and I'm not pushing it. Did you know that they've done studies that show most kids can read by age 8? And that most kids are all caught up by 3rd grade when it comes to reading/writing? That teaching them early doesn't statistically give them a leg up, other than make them bored in a classroom setting?

My daughter can sound words out to read, she just doesn't have the patience to sit down and read a book yet, so we aren't pushing it, yet. She has some sight words memorized, but pushing it right now, won't benefit her, and may make her more resistant to learning.

With that said, being able to read, may give a kid more confidence, if they need it, and allow them to help other kids or let the students who need more help, get the attention they deserve.

There's actually some schools of thought, that doesn't really teach any academics, until about 3rd grade. (The waldorf method.)
Yep! and a couple other people i think are well deserving of the honor

Fun!! i bought my horse a unicorn horn to attach to her halter/browband
my daughter wants to do that to her pony.
my daughter can't read yet. and I'm not pushing it. Did you know that they've done studies that show most kids can read by age 8? And that most kids are all caught up by 3rd grade when it comes to reading/writing? That teaching them early doesn't statistically give them a leg up, other than make them bored in a classroom setting?

My daughter can sound words out to read, she just doesn't have the patience to sit down and read a book yet, so we aren't pushing it, yet. She has some sight words memorized, but pushing it right now, won't benefit her, and may make her more resistant to learning.

With that said, being able to read, may give a kid more confidence, if they need it, and allow them to help other kids or let the students who need more help, get the attention they deserve.

There's actually some schools of thought, that doesn't really teach any academics, until about 3rd grade. (The waldorf method.)
my daughter LOVES to read, we read the book to her once then she has it memorized, she flips the pages but doesnt look at the words as she repeats it
there is a waldorf school (actually a few i think) not too far from here

my daughter wants to do that to her pony.
DO IT!!!
My youngest brother hated reading. It was a big concern. I got him into Christopher Pike (better than RL Stein) and he took off. My mother was angry about the books being too scary, but I pointed out that he was reading. She had to agree. He is well educated now. He has no memory of his problems with reading. Oh well! I don't know if he could have gone as far if I hadn't changed his thinking.
my daughter can't read yet. and I'm not pushing it. Did you know that they've done studies that show most kids can read by age 8? And that most kids are all caught up by 3rd grade when it comes to reading/writing? That teaching them early doesn't statistically give them a leg up, other than make them bored in a classroom setting?

My daughter can sound words out to read, she just doesn't have the patience to sit down and read a book yet, so we aren't pushing it, yet. She has some sight words memorized, but pushing it right now, won't benefit her, and may make her more resistant to learning.

With that said, being able to read, may give a kid more confidence, if they need it, and allow them to help other kids or let the students who need more help, get the attention they deserve.

There's actually some schools of thought, that doesn't really teach any academics, until about 3rd grade. (The waldorf method.)

Don't forget the Montessori schools. I've considered them since they're not as horrifically expensive as in the US. My mother wanted to put me in one but balked at the price.

my daughter LOVES to read, we read the book to her once then she has it memorized, she flips the pages but doesnt look at the words as she repeats it
there is a waldorf school (actually a few i think) not too far from here

DO IT!!!
I love when children love to read.
Interesting discussion on home schooling. I am a total public school supporter. I have been lucky enough to attend great public schools all my life, and I also LOVE the public school where my kids go. I feel like their teaching is a great balance of social skills and academics. The teachers are kind and nurturing, and my kids are doing well there, even my 8 year-old who has emotional issues, and my oldest who has ADHD. My kids have no issues with the common core math also; I feel like they actually understand math better than me because they learn more "number sense" and different ways of solving problems instead of just memorizing math facts.

The only reason I would home school my kids is if the public school was really bad. I have a friend whose son went to a school where there was racial violence/ gang issues going on every day and she decided to home school, which I totally supported. Otherwise I guess I am in the minority but my family has had a great experience with public schools.
thats great, and kinda what i am hoping to do for my daughter, she will be 5 in Dec, so will go to Kindergarten next year and be one of the oldest kids in the class

we still have 1/2 day kindergarten here, so i am hoping to do something similar

Miss Trixie is a Chestnut, my daughter likes her in purple (her halter is purple and silver)
just let me know how much i owe you if you make me one 
i loved the one you posted a picture of awhile ago
I was asking because I have several bases I finished a while ago that I could offer up. I am not sure I have time to do a whole one right now. I think I have a royal purple with silver reflect stuff in it I was going to use for Lucy, and another purple.
Do you think others would want one on a chicken site if I offered it?
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