INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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red marbles? ????? sprinkle just a tad feed on top so they get the taste of it


lets see it, does it work?
Originally Posted by venymae

662Posts skipped tonight! Hey you people who use grow gel. How the he do you get your chicks to eat it?!?! Both batches of mine have essentially ignored it. I have it on a flat plate with marbles and also tried scattering chick feed on it. No dice.

And yes, the marbles are red, and white.
Does laying an egg that been stuck for week and is followed by a soft-shelled egg within 12-16 hours count?
That is the only two eggs per day scenario I have seen in my flock. And I wouldn't have believed it possible if I had not seen her lay both.

Anyway, let me start with Corid. Years ago everyone decided that the 9.6% liquid Corid dose was ~2 teaspoons per gallon (actual correct amount is 9.5ml per gallon) which is 960mg and is the correct amount for treating a severe outbreak, but someone did some math based on some flawed science and decided that the 20% powder dose was 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. What they failed to understand was that one teaspoon of the powder does not weigh 5 grams. Sadly, that mis-information went viral and many people still think that the correct dose is 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. Sigh...

Per the mfg, the powder weighs 2.7 grams, so 2.7 x 200 = 540 mg. I've weighed it, as did a friend, we both got something closer to 3 grams, so 3 x 200 = 600, which means the correct severe outbreak dose is no less than 1.5 teaspoons and not more than 1.75 teaspoons.

Anyone that still gives 1/2 teaspoon per gallon is medicating water with 270-300 mg, which is way less that the amoun recommended by the mfg and the FDA.

Will elaborate on the others later.

On the first point, not that doesn't count. I'm talking about the person that swore her entire flock laid 2 normal eggs a day for the entire time she owned them.
In spite of presenting the science, she was adamant. I told her she could make millions if she would pass on those genetics to the egg industry. She said she didn't want anyone tampering with her pets.

I'm with you on the rest.

Just realized the eggs I set in the turner this morning I set point end up, they were just like that for about 5-6 hours I'm pretty sure they'll be okay but can someone reassure me? I don't want to sell messed up hatching eggs.
Not a problem. If small end is up, don't jostle them. That's how air cells get dislodged in transit.
It is actually recommended for eggs stored over a week to keep them small end up without turning. It keeps the yolk centered.

setting off what buttons?

Thats it paddler, I am comin to twist your arm behind your back!
Ouch. UNCLE!!!

Hmm, I found some heating pads on amazon too, but they're expensive. Maybe next year.
I broke down and bought the small Premier Heat Plates. I had resisted because of the cost. But after doing the math, I realized the electric savings would pay for them in about one and a half brooding period.

For cold weather and lots of chicks, I still use my Ohio brooders.

couldn't find any. Oh well, my chicks have survived with lamps, they'll survive once again.
You can also use smaller wattage ceramic heat emitters if brooding indoors. They come in 50-300 watt sizes. They don't break as easily as the glass infrared and don't make a mess if they do.

How are you going to know if you've set it up right if you don't do a test run for a couple weeks before setting eggs in it?
And have at least one additional guaranteed accurate thermometers at a minimum.

If you're missing something, I am, too. Never heard of Amish with computers.

You ever smell burnt feathers?
When I burned the carcasses of over 50 chickens that were killed by mink. I didn't know what else to do. Hot summer and the flies had already started laying eggs in them.

Hubby got an outside brooder box set up for the little chickies

Nice build but where's the ventilation?

I built one of those for my 4 week old chicks. It works great for them since they're pretty feathered out.

I highly recommend the heating plate brooders. Don't think pads would work too well in a cool or cold environment. Chicks like to be warmed from the top down, which is more like a hen would warm them... not from the ground up.
I recommend them too but they only work down to about 40F. Not enough wattage below that for small chicks.
For real cold weather I have 2 Ohio brooders I built.

There are generic injectable ivermectin

Item #31231-637​
Size: 50mL / $26.99250mL / $59.99500mL / $89.99
Wow. Another good reason I don't worm or medicate prophylactically.

LocalYocal, you ever seen one of these?

Ah, the 8 inch flexible floppy with a whopping 175 Kb of memory on 50 tracks. I had a couple of those drives with the monster cables.
Shortly after the 500 Kb 5" double sided floppy came out, I bought an IBM with no hard drive but 2 floppies so I didn't have to swap out disks. I could keep the DOS disk in one and the program disk in the other. I think that computer cost close to $2000.

I am distracted tonight... watching my taped shows

Who loves this show?
Who's line is it? I do.

And Seinfeld
Another great one.
I worked nights the whole time it aired regularly and could never watch it. I became addicted to reruns. My kids gave me all the seasons on DVD for Christmas one year.

Best to work with a vet if you suspect heartworms.

Some things can't be guessed at or properly corrected on your own.

Thanks for posting the vid of the embryo development.

662Posts skipped tonight! Hey you people who use grow gel. How the he do you get your chicks to eat it?!?! Both batches of mine have essentially ignored it. I have it on a flat plate with marbles and also tried scattering chick feed on it. No dice.
Just dip their beaks in it, make sure they get a taste till one or two go back for it and they'll all eat it.

I am thinking it may be better to go start another for chit chat yaaaaa
Please do. Send the blabber beaks there. I just skipped about 500 posts and doubt I missed much about incubation.

How do ya'all get coops built, chick'ns watered, bee hives built n' sich?

I'm sure it's 5 o'clock somewhere

It happens...all part of animal husbandry. Just hope I don't lose any more.
Well wishes. It happens but hurts.
Originally Posted by venymae

662Posts skipped tonight! Hey you people who use grow gel. How the he do you get your chicks to eat it?!?! Both batches of mine have essentially ignored it. I have it on a flat plate with marbles and also tried scattering chick feed on it. No dice.

And yes, the marbles are red, and white.

Dip their beaks in it till they eat some.
How can anyone keep up with you guys on this thread!!

So I did it - turned on the bator and put in some store bought "fertile" eggs from Trader Joe's for a "test hatch".
Not got high hopes for these - they were previously chilled, and then sat at in the basement for 4 days before I got around to turning on the bator.

I have had mixed results with these eggs in the past with from 0-50% hatch rate. The hen that hatched previously was very sweet (but not smart), and was a laying machine.
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