INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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@sarasweatman forgot yer doing geese, need to cover the fan with wire for you :he I am only on half brain today! But it will be ready!! Up and running!! save those little frozen food meal containers for the bottom, use the one with sections, I only have one to put in there for you! fame sits on those bolts to lift off bottom and these freezer meal trays are perfect
I am making a coolerbator for @sarasweatman as a gift because she is a friend and also very giving and kind. And would love her to have more bator space and a good steady incubation..... I have ordered (I am making two of the same, keeping one as an extra) coolers
Coleman 52-Quart Extreme Cooler, Blue

interior estimates 12"deep 10"x21" bottom

[COLOR=0000CD]I CHOSE THIS COOLER BECAUSE I made a CHEAP cooler bator and I dont like its insulating factor so I will pay just a few more bucks to have a well insulated cooler like this one...... [/COLOR]

4.5 stars 14 reviews ratings Q"> Order Wafer Thermostat for Hova-Bator Egg Incubators | Cabinet | Desktop| Brooder 3122 Price: US $22.75 [URL="> [/URL] [URL="> [/URL] [URL=;"> The fans I ordered, and I ordered higher cfm and rpms so I may have to adjust humidity more because of the fan, but I wanted more air flow in them anyways. [URL="> [/URL] [URL=;"> [URL=] [/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]
[URL="> [/URL][URL="> [/URL][URL=;"> The fans I ordered, and I ordered higher cfm and rpms so I may have to adjust humidity more because of the fan, but I wanted more air flow in them anyways. [URL="> [/URL] I got my major parts for two bators, @sarasweatman coming to your home soon!! just need to get the minor shtuffss!!!!1 BTW this cooler interior is 10"x21" and 12" depth and its a 52 quart If I do more after this I would go a bit larger on the interior. I forgot this cooler is a good thick insulated cooler and that takes up space and makes the inside smaller. keep that in mind should you order any! [URL=] wh [/url][/url][/url][/url]
[URL="> [/URL][URL="> [/URL][URL=;"> The fans I ordered, and I ordered higher cfm and rpms so I may have to adjust humidity more because of the fan, but I wanted more air flow in them anyways. [URL="> [/URL] You rock! That is a beautiful build.[/url][/url][/url]
Shipped Eggs = Change Of Plans! post #53845

3/2/16 10 PM Tuesday

BDAYS DAX 3/5, S5apiotrowski 3/8, karenerwin 3/14, Shahtir101March 22nd, country lovin March 24th

Making Bators:

Canadachickens, fire 4th cabinet, CliftonFarmer cooler, lazyacre cooler, shahtir101 coolerbator louly coolerbator Bantychooks coolerbatMoor
Attimus bator build post #57021 post #58232 post #59461 post #59887 post #63164 post #63581
Joey Ur-ur-ur-ur post #58273
mrleeroy update post #57336
Chaos18 post #60710
tao chick post #63312

Coop expansions:

Silverhair, chaos18, hippiestink,Fire Ant Farm @Fire Ant Farm do we get updated coop images?
current to 2/26 at 12 pm


granny hatchet 2/10 I put 50 eggs in today and had room for 22 more. LOL I opened all of todays eggs as it was freezing out and didnt see any thing watery. no ice except for the fact I have an egg eater and found a frozen yolk. they will be due March 3rd. LOCKDOWN ! 39 eggs. Some I cant see through so not knowing if they are good or not. 6 no good. 2 infertile, 2 stuck,

ChickenLady2014 aka Lisa jumping on the band wagon. Set 23 eggs in the bator tonight. 6 Icelandic, 6 SFH, 7 EE mixes, 2 Silkie & 2 Chantecler/EE x Ice mixes. Wish me luck, got get practiced up for EHAL. Also have 3 Icelandic on day 18 under my Silkiebator

Fire aka Hero always hatching! shoved 8 under a broody Cochin tonite. Be like fisheye surprise as those eggs I put under her were off the free range group. God only knows what combo they'll be.
Sally Sunshine Always hatching! cochin legbar marans ducks projects serama olive eggers etc.
NestingHillsSC aka Tony always hatching!
Casportspony aka Kathy aka Kat always hatching
TJChickens aka TJ Alays hatching
PHAGE always hatching!
Hatch update: lots hatched - about 50. Sorry I did not get a pic of them and now they are all gone.
BUT- there are about 30 in the bator on day 9 ish and about 100 waiting to go in tonight.
Breeds are:
Bcm, BF, CL, swedish black, dwarf olansk, mottled orpingtons, bss orps, and a bunch of other rare breeds.
Theses are not mine. Hatching then feeds my hatching addiction, and helps out my friend by hatching for her! Totally win win!
DHetzle always hatching
jwlpoultry aka Justin Always Hatching!
3/6 2 Brown Chinese/ White Chinese goose eggs
3/7 30 Texas A&M quail set
3/11 19 Idaho Blueback Pheasants set Feb 18
3/12 13 Rhodebar, 7 barnyard mix, 3 Rhodebar/Lav orp
3/26 1 Brown Chinese/White Chinese goose egg
3/27 1 Toulouse goose egg
And to everyone I am sorry I havent been on offline life got busy. I have been building a new chick brooder and doing some other things as well. On the up side of things I got my first Toulouse goose egg today.

Canadachickens aka cc 13 Auraucana went into lockdown day 17.

mrleeroy My update is a successful (3-day) hatch. Locked down 7 eggs and got 7 chickies! The other 32 are due 3/3. Also I candled the eggs from set 2 yesterday (day 14) and didn't pull any of 32.

J&TRanch 1/12/16 12 self blue Cochin bantams (shipped) day 3 (going to candle today to see how many are viable).... And 18 eggs arriving in the mail tomorrow @J&Tranch My shipped self blue bantam Cochins are doing good. I had to throw out a stinker and a seeper
So out of those 10 remaining, 7 are developing nicely
They're on day 7. I ended up receiving 16 shipped from GA, they looked good considering the single digit temps- only 3 saddles and none cracked. They're on day 3 today, will candle Wednesday maybe.

Saris aka Lacie Day 14 update. I removed 8 eggs, I have 8 going strong from Chicken hill poultry and 17 going strong from Papa Brooder. So 25/33 shipped eggs going good.

TJ Only one of the Guinea eggs was fertile and it's developing in the mind reader bator (what am I going to do with one Guinea?!) along with 2 Serama eggs from my silkied Seramas and Tobin's one porcelain d'Uccle egg.In the R-com are 13 shipped Serama eggs from two sources.

LocalYokel aka Yokel 13 Dominicker 5 Leghorn, may be White or Brown, mostly Whites in that coop.(Not the cheery oldish dude Whites) Hope the Doms and Leghorns are fertile. 7 RIR 2 out of 3 eggs under broody bator are alive/developing, 1 RIR 1 Leghorn, tossed the other.
4 out of 5 Leghorn in bator showing veins! I have 5 White Leghorns in the bator right now Due the 25th

Venymae possibly fried her eggs at 113 degrees!! OH MY

Daxigait Hatch 1: 3 ccl, 7 Swedish flower hens, and 8 EE that were set on the 7th. Hatch 2: set 2/22 12 Ameruacana, and 2 blue black splash English Orpingtons
Replacement chicks ordered for next week. 3/1 Lockdown on the first group (ccl, Swedish flower hens, and EE)!

gotro17 aka Shellee The surrogate hatch for @Jessimom was reasonably successful with 1 Brahma and 6 silkies. We have our theories the Brahma eggs may have gotten bacteria... I'm also pegging wonky humidity dips in the beginning. I tried the "dry" method until about day 14 when I couldn't stand 30 degree variables anymore. Back to what worked last hatch, keeping humidity around 38%...until lockdown then 68-70... Always 100 degrees.

Hawk12 aka Kristie none of my last batch made I. I'm trying to pretend it never happened. I had the temp set too low and humidity too high. It was rough
My current batch should hatch this Saturday. I have 9 that are still kicking. They are brahmas again. Trying to get a big enough breeding stock. Right now I don't have a rooster and there will be no breeding without one I'm halfway into day 21 and no pips. There is movement by some of the eggs when I shine a light on them though. I've done everything right this time around so I'm a little concerned why I haven't any pips??

deserteggs227 eggs in lockdown all 7 still kicking 2/17 It's the morning of day 21 here,2/21 and all 4 of my Barnaul eggs are pipping. And my huge double yolker's air sack looks kinda funky. Is that normal?

Peachickie aka Nicole New bator is holding steady temps 9 of 11 for this weekends hatch. No hatching by me next weekend but my lil broody silkie is due the 28th or so. Hens have been kicking into high gear this last week. I set 100 eggs 2/20, gotta test out the capacity on the new bator60 eggs just hopped into the incubator. And I think I've found a source for Dutch bantam eggs for the EHAL

Auroradream26 aka Jess Looks like my hatch is just about over. I still have 1 egg that's pipped and making noise in the bator but that's all that's left. I did a quick candle to all the others before pulling them and doing eggtopsies. Looks like 13 quitters. 4 about halfway, the rest, full term. I'm assuming they were too weak from the temp drop in the bator to actualy hatch. Most didn't even pip. If this last one hatches fine, I'll have 17 poults from the 30 eggs
ambe0487 2/1 I put the eggs in lockdown this morning because I will be busy getting ready for the snow storm that is suppose to hit over night here, day 18 actually starts at 3 p.m. 29 eggs, which comprise of 6 Isa brown/Legbar mix, 9 EE/ Bresse mix, and 14 Buff Orp. @ambe0487

Fire Ant Farm aka Kristin

slordaz barnyard mix, now RIR is matured too we are gonna play guess whose the daddy game as both roosters were on all of the hens, patiently trying to get spring here faster so can build the new coopsat 23 eggs at 2 am this morning 2/3 Lockdown is Wed Feb 10th (before bed) 6 are questionable 1 clear
19 looking good @slordaz
How did everything turn out? got an update?

S5apiotrowski aka Anastasia aka AC 13/18 BCM Hatched. 1 non-pipper, 1 early quitter, 3 died after pipping (humidity too high, eggs rolled by other chicks, I think the drowned) 2/3 Welsummers Hatched. One still alive/working on it, has plenty of air, but breathing looks difficult. Don't think it will make it. 1/2 Easter Eggers hatched. 1 was a clear. 1/5 mixed breeds hatched. 3 clear. 1 died in shell - mal-positioned and pip didn't break through internal membrane.

Chicken Hawk33 aka CH aka Seth setting a goose egg 2/16 we have a goose four and we have a.heart.2/20

Jessimom aka Kathy 9 Buff Brahma and 4 silkie eggs went in to lock down on 2/24. 5 of the BB had draw downs and movement, 4 had movement, but no draw down. The silkies are only day 16, but I am only using the 1 'bator. I got 16 silkie/frilkie/sizzle and 6 Cream Leg Bars from Papa Brooder. I got them a few days earlier than I hoped, I'm going to set them as soon as my current lock down eggs hatch or DIS.

13 chicks have hatched out so far. 11 of them are Bantam Cochins, and 2 are OEGB.

country lovin aka Ty 2 marans and 4 Olive eggers are going into the the bator-in-the-box for lockdown! 4 marans and 2 Olive eggers are on day 10. 2/25

campinghaws aka campin aka Sharon 20 eggs in the bator and 6 under a broody. The 7 hona eggs are good. 11 EE eggs are good. Two clears. Down to 18 total.

Tao Chick
My hatch update 6/12 hatched on 2/26 & 2/27. I added 4 from my SIL's hatch so I'm growing up 10 chicks.
I set 18 Cream Brabanters on 2/28. The seller had sent them earlier than I expected so I scrambled to get them into my incubator. :-( I've already tossed 5 weeping eggs (I should've done so many things differently) She agreed to send me some more. I'm building an incubator out of a mini fridge. I'll use the MacGyverBator as a hatcher depending on when/how eggs are doing.

caeti21 12 conturnix quail placed 2/21 24 rir eggs 2/21 Thank you again,Jack @LocalYokel
6 pth SLW (they are the slow developing ones )still alive and growing they were placed 1/30v
3 pth bantam mixes(1/30 for 1 ) 2/10 for two
2 pth ameracauna eggs(2/5)(2/6) Last night i was able to move a few of my 1/30 eggs into lockdown when i candled them they looked fully developed and were moving , so fingers crossed and i was able to move my normal lockdown ones in as well so here they are 2 pth americaunavvv5 pth slw 3 pth

butterfliesdoku aka Vanessa Well my hatch is complete (day 23). I have 26 beautiful baby chicks for a total hatch rate of 85%. Because all of the chicks BUT ONE have muffs that means the father of most was my Easter Egger and the father of the one chick was the Silver Sebright/ Thai mix.
Thank you!!! My next hatch is due the 8th

sarah25bear aka Sarah I had Thursday and Friday off spent the last 2 days cutting down 2 trees 4 bushes digging out 3 grape vines pulling a lot of grass and weeds in the garden starting a few more seeds ... Lost A meat bird to unknown cause ... And tonight the eggs go into lockdown ... I work the next 6 days in a row so I will post when I see anything plus I will have an update about what goes into lockdown in a few hours... 6 eggs have hatched and 4 pips left time to get ready for work they will all be out when I get home in 12 hours then warm up the brooder ... And get ready for the next batch of eggs to go in

CyndiD I have10 WH duck eggs being shipped to me next week. Is there a site I can read that will help me prepare the eggs for incubating?
I have not received my SWH eggs yet!! tomorrow or the next day???
I will be setting SWH duck eggs and Pekin duck eggs.... AND Australorp over LH, WCBP and NH chicken eggs.
My SWH duck eggs should be here tomorrow and I will have to set them 1 week early for HAL, oops, ordered them 1 week too early...

TrilliumAcres Thanks to your answers a few day ago and all the very valuable info that Sally Sunshine has put together I have 5 babies in the incubator with 2 eggs to go. First pip yesterday morning and first chick at around 6 pm last night. I woke up to 3 more chicks this morning and one more just hatched a few minutes ago. This is my first chick hatch ever and I am so excited! So THANK YOU ALL! Your wisdom is greatly appreciated! @TrilliumAcres
how did hatch go?

Meaghan Just put two duck eggs in the incubator this morning 2/15. First time experimental hatch! I set literally 10 or so breeds/mixed breeds. I got eggs from friends and my girls. There are 50 eggs total.

Math I incubate with the LG 9200.I set backyard mixed chicken eggs on Monday, February 15th for friends of ours. I set an incubator full. I think it was 68. Our friends need to replace brown egg layers.

bauerdog aka Joanne The bator is all cleaned out and waiting for the next batch. For shipped eggs, should I ask for them to be shipped on Monday the 29th for setting on Saturday the 5th? It takes 2 to 3 days for the eggs to get to my place....just worried if I ask for wednesday, they may be held up by the good ole USPS

DON956 Just set 48 eggs at 12pm central time. 2/19
12 RIR 12 Delaware 12 Plymouth Barred Rock 12 Golden Sex Link Due on the 11th of March,
Just candled the 48 eggs set 8 days ago.
1 unfertile
1 blood ring
1 stopped developing
45 eggs left but one has a hair thin crack but still developing and moving around inside ( don't know how I missed that one when setting them) 13 more days to go.

Chicknlvn . so it's my first time incubating. Today is day 7 so this morning I candled all my eggs (36 total), marked air cells and pulled blood ring/cracked eggs. Now for some reason I can't get my humidty to stabilize.... it's up to 38 and I can't get it to come down and stay down.

billiejw89 2/25 7 babies Hatched

kissofcrimson 2/23 Sadly the black Silkie didn't make it that I tried to help but the paint is doing fine. I hatched out 2 white silkies and a splash Ameraucana. My first ever hatch is doing great so far. 30 more eggs to go lol

Akrnaf2 aka Benny Sal. Count me in! Theis is my second setting! 4 Rumples Aracauna 5 BPR 3 PPR This time I am hopping for an higer percentage, of sucsseful hatches!

Chaos18 Nothing currently in the bator but I have 16 Dom eggs shipping out on the 29th and will be picking up 16-24 (Silver Pencil Rock and Partridge Rock) eggs on the 4th. I currently have 12 Ancona eggs cooking on day 2.

Roada Red I have 14 of my flocks eggs in the incubator today is day 8 and they are starting to form and they are mixed with my EE rooster and americauna hen that is also mixed with barred rock salmon faverole and silver penciled rock 3/1 I have 14 chicken eggs I set a few days ago if that counts also

NaJoBeLe aka Nathan As far as status goes I plan to let my shipped eggs sit and recandle tonight. Will prbly try to set them this weekend. Need to clean out the bator and do some tweaking but should have a chance to get it ready by sat/sun. Plan at this point is to set the 12 Partridge Rock eggs I had shipped and do a staggered hatch with my Partridge Rock mixes for the HAL. First time with a staggered hatch so we will see how it goes. Should work out ok since I have the loose air cells I plan to use a egg carton and will use the auto turner for my eggs. Update on the shipped eggs with loose air cells..all but 3 seem to have reattached. Still plan to do the styro cartons with bottoms cut out for incubation.

pjnbill22 We put. 9 midget white turkey eggs down this evening and hubby just went in to check the temp/humidity before going to bed. Everything looks great, but he heard a tapping sound. There are eighteen chicks in the room, but they were all sleeping. There are also 30+ assorted chicken eggs due to hatch tomorrow or Saturday in another incubator- I guess we have an EE who wants to get the worm, because one egg has a good sized pip hole in it and it keeps rocking back and forth! We're going to bed excited as if we were going to be grandparents again! I can hardly wait for morning

Mirajane My Mille Fleur eggs came today from Georgia to here in California. All 12 are intact, and 3 have bad saddle cells, 2 others minor saddle cells, and they are looking great for such a long trip! My Ayam Cemani eggs I set yesterday, and 10 are in.

Cynthia12 2/26 I have 13 swimming Bantam Barred Rock babies. 2 have pretty bad air cells, another 2 are not that great. So, will see how they do, if they make it through the second week. I find that's about the time the ones with the really bad air cells quit, if..they are going to quit. I think I am going to get me some bantam barred rock babies though. Whoot!

BantyChooks Setting some bantam eggs (Some of my own, some from a local source) on 3\5. (Easter HAL) I'm really hoping I have a good outcome this time!

lindalouly quail hatch I will be setting tomorrow at 4.. 11 eggs total in my bator...2/28

Shahtir101 I got me a broody serama! She has 3 eggs under her right now and my friend is going to bring me more serama eggs to put under her tomorrow! That means I won't set for the EHAL, but will still be around the same time. Set 6 more serama eggs

Finnie am running a practice batch of chicken eggs in a styrofoam cooler-bator I made over the weekend. (I didn't want to run a test hatch in the Incuview, and then have it occupied when the turkey eggs are ready.) Plus I was kind of curious to see if I could make a diy that really works, so I just did it.

Changes to Antibiotics Regulations Coming December 2016 most will need RX post #53348

By Dr. Mike Apley List of Affected Applications/MEDICINES CLICK HERE

“The Bordeaux-Bator” Ozexpat build post #1495
Incu Warehouse heat won't go up post #46629
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Good Morning Sally!

Anyone in pa get some pretty strong winds this morning almost blew the whole chicken run up through the woods the wind blew over my moms big wooden swing broke the armrest on it because the steel frame fell on it and blew the pool tarp that the pool tarp sets on is staked in the ground ripped it blew it up almost to my neighbors yard blew tin up into the woods that had sinder blocks on to hold it down up through the woods got it all bent op can anything else go wrong this morning just wait until the power goes out and I then don't know what to do with my eggs in the incubator to keep them warm and then I also wouldn't be able to do my school work because of no power no wifi

We had the high winds last evening. I didn't like them so I sent them to PA. I didn't think you all would mind.
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