INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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A couple people have mentioned using puppy pads. They said it helped with cleanup and help keep up humidity. The incubator I am using just has a solid plastic floor with grooves for water. I realize these chicks are just my practice run and they are not worth much but if I ever want to breed expensive birds I would like to learn all I can.
Was your 'bator new or used when you acquired it? I ask because it seems strange not to have a mesh grid over the water troughs to keep the hatchlings out of any water you may have in them
"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally CLICK HERE

TAG HOW to keep typing after you @ someone! see:post #2469 post #1088

4/1/16 8:30 PM Friday


Roada Red April 1st, sarah25bear May 1st

Making Bators:
Canadachickens, fire
4tabinet, CliftonFarmer cooler, lazyacre cooler, shahtir101 coolerbator louly coolerbator Bantychooks coolerbator
Joey Ur-ur-ur-ur post #58273
mrleeroy update post #57336
Chaos18 post #60710

FireAntFarm aka Kristins Tractor coops post #67119 post #68140 post #68171 post #68816
Fire Ant Farms Coops post #49071 post #46144


Fire aka Hero always hatching! shoved 8 under a broody Cochin tonite.
Sally Sunshine Always hatching! cochin legbar marans ducks projects serama olive eggers etc.
NestingHillsSC aka Tony always hatching!
Casportspony aka Kathy aka Kat always hatching
TJChickens aka TJ Always hatching
DHetzle aka Dennis always hatching
PHAGE always hatching!
jwlpoultry aka Justin Always Hatching! 3/17
Auroradream26 aka Jess Always hatching!

Canadachickens aka cc 8 leghorn 8 Easter eggers 8 Columbian rocks 6 silkies
candled day 18, found a very early external pip!
3 leghorn, 4 EE, and 5 Columbian Rocks made it to lock down.
1 Columbian Rock questionable, but left in bator.
Removed 2 Leghorn early quitters.
Early pip (CR) hatched this morning, day 20! Three more external pip this morning!

Saris aka Lacie I ended up with 12 chicks from the 16 that made it to lockdown. I will be setting again tomorrow evening or Friday, depends on the condition my eggs arrive in because my post office didn't hold them for pick up

LocalYokel aka Yokel

ChickenLady2014 aka Lisa


gotro17 aka Shellee

Hawk12 aka Kristie I only had 2 hatch out of 79 set
Only 24 made it to lockdown but the 2 that hatched are perfectly healthy babies. Not sure how they hatched ok but not the others
New incubator is on its way (Sorry @Sally Sunshine but I don't have time to build one right now and I must set more eggs
) The babies that hatched are a BCM and a gold partridge brahma.

Peachickie aka Nicole Decided to set a dozen guinea eggs today, didn't have room in my cabinet incubator sooooo started up one of the backup 'bators
Fire Ant Farm aka Kristin

S5apiotrowski aka Anastasia aka AC I am setting 15 eggs tonight for the Easter Hatch-a-long. I have 12 easter-eggers (some should be olive eggers) and 3 Barnvelder eggs - all from my flock. Will be a little late - but almost decided against setting... I'll be moving soon

Chicken Hawk33 aka CH aka Seth

Jessimom aka Kathy I still have 19 out of 21 eggs I set for a friend, due to hatch 4/1. I have 13 Shipped Salmon Favorelle and 9 of my silkie eggs set to hatch on 4/5. I have 6 EE and 6 Backyard mixes from a friend, 10 shipped Blue/Buff Cochins and 5 of my silkies set to hatch 4/16. I've got Auto Sexing EE's, Green Egg layers and Silkie eggs on their way. Should be here between 4/2 - 4/7.

HeatherMarieR I had one Ancona starting to hatch yesterday and 4 others still alive. I have quite a few Cochin eggs in the incubator, and some Muscovy eggs. My dogs killed my favorite Muscovy hen the other day, and I'm really hoping that I can hatch some of her eggs.

country lovin aka Ty 3/25- set 7 cream legbar, 7 sapphire, 5 Sally's projects, 7 lavender Orpington.

caeti21 i had 20 out 24 rir hatch , and 8 conturnix quail out of 12 hatch :) they are happily living with my hen that went broody and she hatched out 5 eggs herself , right now i only have my six for the hatchalong in the bator to hatch

butterfliesdoku aka Vanessa

sarah25bear aka Sarah My update is 41 eggs the farm chick variety of partridge Cochin rooster mating with rir hens and barred rock hens starting at 9pm tonight. 29 fertile eggs 12 clear eggs

CyndiD I received my SWH, I pulled the plug on them Sunay March 6th, they were all clear except for 1 blood ring. I received a 2nd batch of SWH today and will set them in 2 days.
I have in my bators right now:
12 Pekin duck
3 F/W Runner duck
2 Seabright
2 NH
7 LH
2 Wyan/Aus mix

bauerdog aka Joanne 3/3 just set my eggs for the HAL. 33 total, paint Silkie/showgirls, CCL, Sapphires, white leghorns, Isabelle leghorns, project blue duckwing leghorns, BBS Barred Rocks and BBS Copper Marans.
HAL update...I locked down 19 of the 33 shipped eggs last night. The rest were clears.

Roada Red I have 14 of my flocks eggs in the incubator today is day 8 and they are starting to form and they are mixed with my EE rooster and americauna hen that is also mixed with barred rock salmon faverole and silver penciled rock 3/1 I have 14 chicken eggs I set a few days ago if that counts also

NaJoBeLe aka Nathan 27 out of 34 that went into lockdown hatched.

pjnbill22 3/5 @ noon, Set:
HAL update:
3/15- candled and removed 11 eggs:
2 LO
2 Assorted Silkies
2 Ameraucana
1 CO
4 Nanci's mutts
Still going 73: (67 chickens + 6 Midget White Turkeys)
25 Nanci's mutts
8 asst silkies
7 LO
1 CO
1 Jubilee O
1 Ameraucana
2 Mystery
15 WPxEE
3 EE

Mirajane 10 Ayam Cemani Eggs set March 1st, due March 3rd 12 Mille Fleur D'Uccle Eggs set March 3rd, due March 23rdA friend gave me 4 Mille Fleur eggs he wants hatched for him. The father could either be a Silver laced Wyandotte bantam or a Red Jungle Fowl, full sized. Going to set them tonight3/7 3/11 My candling results so far!
My Ayam Cemani eggs don't count, but are on day 11 now. 6/11 are alive. They were shipped really roughly from Idaho to California. Set March 1st.
My Mille Fleur eggs are in for HAL, day 9, I just candled them and only two were clears! 10/12 are alive! Shipped all the way from Georgia to California! That's a long way! Set March 3rd.
My 4 eggs from a friend that I set for HAL. On day 5, candled today and 3/4 are alive. Set March 7th.

BantyChooks aka Bubbles aka Banti 10 OEGB x silkie set 3/29.


Shahtir101 I got me a broody serama! She has 3 eggs under her right now and my friend is going to bring me more serama eggs to put under her tomorrow! That means I won't set for the EHAL, but will still be around the same time. Set 6 more serama eggs They are due to hatch on the 21st of March! Right before my birthday! 3/12 I candled the broody eggs and only had to take out one that died earlier

lozerface79 aka Matt 3/18 Day 14. It looks like 12 out of 13 were fertile, the last one was either never fertile or died early. Alright 6/12 hatched! The rest have pipped! No more zips yet, but we have a few days!Day 20:
8/12 have hatched and we got one zipping and one trying to get out of its shell!

howfunkyisurchicken aka Nichole EMU!


flocktastic aka Mrs. H Set 42 eggs tonight (3/5) at 11:11pm CST!
6 Ameraucauna eggs shipped from sahwithchicks
6 exchequer, 6 marans, 6 Ameraucauna from a last minute local source and 16 random barnyard mixes from our flock (includes barred rock rooster over Easter egger, barred rock, black jersey giant and black sex link)

chickygirl7 10 cream legbar eggs, which will hopefully hatch for Easter.

rlhagan56 Hello, hope I can join in here. I started incubating my first batch of 21 eggs 4 days ago. 9 of them are shipped eggs and wouldn't ya know it, our electricity has gone off twice now and a blizzard hit after weeks of 60 degree weather. I kept a quilt over the incubator and it only lost heat down to 84.9 degrees and the humidity climbed to 65 each time. I just couldn't believe what happened! I have the 9 Ameraucana eggs, then my own EE, BLRW, and Silkie eggs. All pullets so just an experiment.

justkat59 Hatched out 10 out of 16 shipped BCM. This is my second hatch this year. Also have 6 Pekin Ducks in the bator now due to hatch 3/18. Then putting in some leghorns after that. I also have a broody RIR that has set up her best in the Ducks house. Hatching is addicting.

shellikirbey 7 new baby's out of 10 looked like never turned and one did get in air cell but never pipped shell and the other looked liked only half grew..I had to help one cause it was Peck at top and made big hole at top but never finished zipping and was drying on bottom so I took finger in warm water and applied to dry spot until it come loose and it came out in my hand and I put back in incubator for awhile and he layed on side longer than others did but he is up and eating now.

Torch404 I set 6 eggs, brabanters, a couple days ago. Going to candle tonight and see if I have veins. I'm going to be adding six eggs a week a part and try for a staggered hatch. Excited!!!

billiejw89 3/7 21 of our eggs are still looking great! I'm fixing to order some serama bantam eggs from MPC, my son has been wanting some badly!

politicalcenter We got 13 chicks total and a couple of duds. We have about 40 in the bator this time.

They are silver lace Wyondots (sp) and Buff Orpington. We also have a couple of Australorp. We just gathered the eggs and put them in

henhoneygirl I just love how perfect this hatch has gone!! Everyone that's pipped so far has hatched and I haven't had to help ANYONE!!! Even the chick that pipped on the wrong end did it all by himself! This is just awesome, I'm so happy right now!! I've learned so much since my very first time hatching and this just feels like the big culmination of everything I've learned. YIPPEE!!!!

Cochix aka Tricia 3 doz BBS Amereaucana's 1 doz mixed eggs - should produce EE and OE. 9:20 am -3/12 48 eggs loaded in bators, Lockdown today, having a bad run and only 13 into lockdown out of 46. Had incubator spike early. Pretty disheartening, not sure how or if any will hatch as 6 Of those I cant even see into, they are OE and Wellies.

stryker 3 chicks hatched out of 15 eggs that went into lockdown!!! Two are roosters and one came out with two messed up legs. Think something is wrong with the joints. So out of the three I have two roosters... The way it is looking I might have go go the store to buy chicks to replace my older hens for this year...

Tao Chick Currently incubating 15 Cream Brabanter. Last hatch 1 Brabanter and 5 Pavlovskaya.

ruthannnall 3/17 22 magpie and mallard eggs into the incubator. Can't wait til day 28.

Laurel Meadows set 12 of my Marans due to hatch 4/1, and set 9 shipped Lavender & black split lav Bantam Cochins and 5 more of my Marans this week. They should hatch 4/5.

prizepeteOk Guys, I set 9 Eggs yesterday, 3/17

HiddenFlockEC 3/18 Just set my first eggs, 12 Ameraucana and 6 of my mixed flock. Could be Buff Orpington/Rock, Orpington/Silver Laced Wyandotte, or Buff Orpington

deserteggs22 Last night I candled my eggs on day 14, and the 10 under mama are all doing perfect and I can see movement in all of them! And as for the 7 in my incubator, the 6 shipped ones have bad saddle air sack, but other than that, I can see veins and movement in all of them! Oh, and my one other egg in there is doing just fine!

LittleLakePhil 3/19 I set a dozen Khaki Campbell eggs.

Coreenelane 3/28/ On day 15 but think I lost alot of eggs to fluctuation of temp. What is the best/easiest controlled heating supply for incubators? I need one and have no idea what or where to get one.

lizzy14 I just put 27 eggs in our incubator!! This is only our second hatch and we made modifications to the incubator - added a fan this year.

imlovinmyskin Kathy On day 22 of hatch #2 of welsummer eggs. Started with 23, had 8 viable eggs at lockdown. Had 3 moving at candle on day 21 but as of this am (now day 22) still no pips. I think my humidity was too high, air cells seem small On day 11 of hatch #3 due 4/8.. Started candeling on day 10 to hopefully get a handle on my humidity issue. Hatch 3 has 14 welsummer eggs in turner. Hatch 3 is neighors hatch with a different Roo. Wondering if my Roo has a genetic disorder since first hatch was a complete dud..and it looks like 2nd hatch might be too. 4th hatch (due 4/18) went in Turner yesterday ... Will candle in day 7 to chk air cell and make necessary adjustments I will have a successful hatch!!

Duck, Duck GooseA basic guide to caring for your new waterfowl
Chickens Commonly Raised for MEAT and Weights at Ages post #54051
Day 15 candles post #76732
Chaos18 Coop post #76177
Laurel Meadows Coop post #76681

help incu questions post #10735
[COLOR=FF0000]"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally[/COLOR] CLICK HERE [COLOR=FF0000]PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR UPDATES!!!! I HAVE NOT KEPT IT UP ON HERE!!! SORRY!!! TAG ME in your updates!![/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]TAG HOW to keep typing after you @ someone! see:[/COLOR][COLOR=008080]post #2469[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]post #1088[/COLOR]
4/1/16 8:30 PM Friday

[COLOR=800080][COLOR=800080][COLOR=800080]Roada Red April 1st, sarah25bear May 1st [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] M[COLOR=000000]aking Bators:[/COLOR] Canadachickens, fire 4tabinet, CliftonFarmer cooler, lazyacre cooler, shahtir101 coolerbator louly coolerbator Bantychooks coolerbator Joey Ur-ur-ur-ur post #58273 mrleeroy update post #57336 Chaos18 post #60710 FireAntFarm aka Kristins Tractor coops post #67119 post #68140 post #68171 post #68816 [COLOR=008080]Fire Ant Farms Coops[/COLOR] post #49071 post #46144


Fire aka Hero always hatching! shoved 8 under a broody Cochin tonite. Sally Sunshine Always hatching! cochin legbar marans ducks projects serama olive eggers etc. [COLOR=000000]NestingHillsSC[/COLOR] aka Tony always hatching! Casportspony aka Kathy aka Kat always hatching TJChickens aka TJ Always hatching DHetzle aka Dennis always hatching PHAGE always hatching! jwlpoultry aka Justin Always Hatching! 3/17 Auroradream26 aka Jess Always hatching! Canadachickens aka cc 8 leghorn 8 Easter eggers 8 Columbian rocks 6 silkies candled day 18, found a very early external pip! 3 leghorn, 4 EE, and 5 Columbian Rocks made it to lock down. 1 Columbian Rock questionable, but left in bator. Removed 2 Leghorn early quitters. Early pip (CR) hatched this morning, day 20! Three more external pip this morning! Saris aka Lacie I ended up with 12 chicks from the 16 that made it to lockdown. I will be setting again tomorrow evening or Friday, depends on the condition my eggs arrive in because my post office didn't hold them for pick up LocalYokel aka Yokel ChickenLady2014 aka Lisa Venymae gotro17 aka Shellee Hawk12 aka Kristie I only had 2 hatch out of 79 set
Only 24 made it to lockdown but the 2 that hatched are perfectly healthy babies. Not sure how they hatched ok but not the others
New incubator is on its way (Sorry [@=]@Sally Sunshine[/@] but I don't have time to build one right now and I must set more eggs
) The babies that hatched are a BCM and a gold partridge brahma. Peachickie aka Nicole Decided to set a dozen guinea eggs today, didn't have room in my cabinet incubator sooooo started up one of the backup 'bators Fire Ant Farm aka Kristin [COLOR=000000]S5apiotrowski[/COLOR] aka Anastasia aka AC I am setting 15 eggs tonight for the Easter Hatch-a-long. I have 12 easter-eggers (some should be olive eggers) and 3 Barnvelder eggs - all from my flock. Will be a little late - but almost decided against setting... I'll be moving soon Chicken Hawk33 aka CH aka Seth [COLOR=333333]Jessimom aka Kathy [/COLOR]I still have 19 out of 21 eggs I set for a friend, due to hatch 4/1. I have 13 Shipped Salmon Favorelle and 9 of my silkie eggs set to hatch on 4/5. I have 6 EE and 6 Backyard mixes from a friend, 10 shipped Blue/Buff Cochins and 5 of my silkies set to hatch 4/16. I've got Auto Sexing EE's, Green Egg layers and Silkie eggs on their way. Should be here between 4/2 - 4/7. HeatherMarieR I had one Ancona starting to hatch yesterday and 4 others still alive. I have quite a few Cochin eggs in the incubator, and some Muscovy eggs. My dogs killed my favorite Muscovy hen the other day, and I'm really hoping that I can hatch some of her eggs. country lovin aka Ty 3/25- set 7 cream legbar, 7 sapphire, 5 Sally's projects, 7 lavender Orpington. caeti21 i had 20 out 24 rir hatch , and 8 conturnix quail out of 12 hatch :) they are happily living with my hen that went broody and she hatched out 5 eggs herself , right now i only have my six for the hatchalong in the bator to hatch [COLOR=000000]butterfliesdoku[/COLOR] aka Vanessa sarah25bear aka Sarah My update is 41 eggs the farm chick variety of partridge Cochin rooster mating with rir hens and barred rock hens starting at 9pm tonight. 29 fertile eggs 12 clear eggs CyndiD I received my SWH, I pulled the plug on them Sunay March 6th, they were all clear except for 1 blood ring. I received a 2nd batch of SWH today and will set them in 2 days. I have in my bators right now: 12 Pekin duck 3 F/W Runner duck 2 Seabright 2 NH 5 WCBP 7 LH 2 Wyan/Aus mix [COLOR=000000]bauerdog[/COLOR] aka Joanne 3/3 just set my eggs for the HAL. 33 total, paint Silkie/showgirls, CCL, Sapphires, white leghorns, Isabelle leghorns, project blue duckwing leghorns, BBS Barred Rocks and BBS Copper Marans. HAL update...I locked down 19 of the 33 shipped eggs last night. The rest were clears. Roada Red I have 14 of my flocks eggs in the incubator today is day 8 and they are starting to form and they are mixed with my EE rooster and americauna hen that is also mixed with barred rock salmon faverole and silver penciled rock 3/1 I have 14 chicken eggs I set a few days ago if that counts also NaJoBeLe aka Nathan 27 out of 34 that went into lockdown hatched. pjnbill22 3/5 @ noon, Set: HAL update: 3/15- candled and removed 11 eggs: 2 LO 2 Assorted Silkies 2 Ameraucana 1 CO 4 Nanci's mutts Still going 73: (67 chickens + 6 Midget White Turkeys) 6 MWT 25 Nanci's mutts 8 asst silkies 4 BLP 7 LO 1 CO 1 Jubilee O 1 Ameraucana 2 Mystery 15 WPxEE 3 EE Mirajane 10 Ayam Cemani Eggs set March 1st, due March 3rd 12 Mille Fleur D'Uccle Eggs set March 3rd, due March 23rdA friend gave me 4 Mille Fleur eggs he wants hatched for him. The father could either be a Silver laced Wyandotte bantam or a Red Jungle Fowl, full sized. Going to set them tonight3/7 3/11 My candling results so far! My Ayam Cemani eggs don't count, but are on day 11 now. 6/11 are alive. They were shipped really roughly from Idaho to California. Set March 1st. My Mille Fleur eggs are in for HAL, day 9, I just candled them and only two were clears! 10/12 are alive! Shipped all the way from Georgia to California! That's a long way! Set March 3rd. My 4 eggs from a friend that I set for HAL. On day 5, candled today and 3/4 are alive. Set March 7th. BantyChooks aka Bubbles aka Banti 10 OEGB x silkie set 3/29. lindalouly Shahtir101 I got me a broody serama! She has 3 eggs under her right now and my friend is going to bring me more serama eggs to put under her tomorrow! That means I won't set for the EHAL, but will still be around the same time. Set 6 more serama eggs They are due to hatch on the 21st of March! Right before my birthday! 3/12 I candled the broody eggs and only had to take out one that died earlier [COLOR=000000]lozerface79 aka Matt[/COLOR] 3/18 Day 14. It looks like 12 out of 13 were fertile, the last one was either never fertile or died early. Alright 6/12 hatched! The rest have pipped! No more zips yet, but we have a few days!Day 20: 8/12 have hatched and we got one zipping and one trying to get out of its shell! howfunkyisurchicken aka Nichole EMU! firedragon1982 flocktastic aka Mrs. H Set 42 eggs tonight (3/5) at 11:11pm CST! 6 Ameraucauna eggs shipped from sahwithchicks 6 exchequer, 6 marans, 6 Ameraucauna from a last minute local source and 16 random barnyard mixes from our flock (includes barred rock rooster over Easter egger, barred rock, black jersey giant and black sex link) chickygirl7 10 cream legbar eggs, which will hopefully hatch for Easter. rlhagan56 Hello, hope I can join in here. I started incubating my first batch of 21 eggs 4 days ago. 9 of them are shipped eggs and wouldn't ya know it, our electricity has gone off twice now and a blizzard hit after weeks of 60 degree weather. I kept a quilt over the incubator and it only lost heat down to 84.9 degrees and the humidity climbed to 65 each time. I just couldn't believe what happened! I have the 9 Ameraucana eggs, then my own EE, BLRW, and Silkie eggs. All pullets so just an experiment. justkat59 Hatched out 10 out of 16 shipped BCM. This is my second hatch this year. Also have 6 Pekin Ducks in the bator now due to hatch 3/18. Then putting in some leghorns after that. I also have a broody RIR that has set up her best in the Ducks house. Hatching is addicting. shellikirbey 7 new baby's out of 10 looked like never turned and one did get in air cell but never pipped shell and the other looked liked only half grew..I had to help one cause it was Peck at top and made big hole at top but never finished zipping and was drying on bottom so I took finger in warm water and applied to dry spot until it come loose and it came out in my hand and I put back in incubator for awhile and he layed on side longer than others did but he is up and eating now. Torch404 I set 6 eggs, brabanters, a couple days ago. Going to candle tonight and see if I have veins. I'm going to be adding six eggs a week a part and try for a staggered hatch. Excited!!! billiejw89 3/7 21 of our eggs are still looking great! I'm fixing to order some serama bantam eggs from MPC, my son has been wanting some badly! [COLOR=000000]politicalcenter[/COLOR] We got 13 chicks total and a couple of duds. We have about 40 in the bator this time. They are silver lace Wyondots (sp) and Buff Orpington. We also have a couple of Australorp. We just gathered the eggs and put them in henhoneygirl I just love how perfect this hatch has gone!! Everyone that's pipped so far has hatched and I haven't had to help ANYONE!!! Even the chick that pipped on the wrong end did it all by himself! This is just awesome, I'm so happy right now!! I've learned so much since my very first time hatching and this just feels like the big culmination of everything I've learned. YIPPEE!!!! Cochix aka Tricia 3 doz BBS Amereaucana's 1 doz mixed eggs - should produce EE and OE. 9:20 am -3/12 48 eggs loaded in bators, Lockdown today, having a bad run and only 13 into lockdown out of 46. Had incubator spike early. Pretty disheartening, not sure how or if any will hatch as 6 Of those I cant even see into, they are OE and Wellies. stryker 3 chicks hatched out of 15 eggs that went into lockdown!!! Two are roosters and one came out with two messed up legs. Think something is wrong with the joints. So out of the three I have two roosters... The way it is looking I might have go go the store to buy chicks to replace my older hens for this year... Tao Chick Currently incubating 15 Cream Brabanter. Last hatch 1 Brabanter and 5 Pavlovskaya. ruthannnall 3/17 22 magpie and mallard eggs into the incubator. Can't wait til day 28. Laurel Meadows set 12 of my Marans due to hatch 4/1, and set 9 shipped Lavender & black split lav Bantam Cochins and 5 more of my Marans this week. They should hatch 4/5. prizepeteOk Guys, I set 9 Eggs yesterday, 3/17 HiddenFlockEC 3/18 Just set my first eggs, 12 Ameraucana and 6 of my mixed flock. Could be Buff Orpington/Rock, Orpington/Silver Laced Wyandotte, or Buff Orpington deserteggs22 Last night I candled my eggs on day 14, and the 10 under mama are all doing perfect and I can see movement in all of them! And as for the 7 in my incubator, the 6 shipped ones have bad saddle air sack, but other than that, I can see veins and movement in all of them! Oh, and my one other egg in there is doing just fine! LittleLakePhil 3/19 I set a dozen Khaki Campbell eggs. Coreenelane 3/28/ On day 15 but think I lost alot of eggs to fluctuation of temp. What is the best/easiest controlled heating supply for incubators? I need one and have no idea what or where to get one. lizzy14 I just put 27 eggs in our incubator!! This is only our second hatch and we made modifications to the incubator - added a fan this year. imlovinmyskin Kathy On day 22 of hatch #2 of welsummer eggs. Started with 23, had 8 viable eggs at lockdown. Had 3 moving at candle on day 21 but as of this am (now day 22) still no pips. I think my humidity was too high, air cells seem small On day 11 of hatch #3 due 4/8.. Started candeling on day 10 to hopefully get a handle on my humidity issue. Hatch 3 has 14 welsummer eggs in turner. Hatch 3 is neighors hatch with a different Roo. Wondering if my Roo has a genetic disorder since first hatch was a complete dud..and it looks like 2nd hatch might be too. 4th hatch (due 4/18) went in Turner yesterday ... Will candle in day 7 to chk air cell and make necessary adjustments I will have a successful hatch!! NEW INFO TO GO INTO OUR NOTES LINKS PAGE when I can get it there! [COLOR=008080]HUMANE WAY OF RAISING QUAILS CAGE FREE[/COLOR] Click HERE [COLOR=008080]Duck, Duck GooseA basic guide to caring for your new waterfowl[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]Chickens Commonly Raised for MEAT and Weights at Ages[/COLOR] post #54051 [COLOR=008080]Day 15 candles[/COLOR] post #76732 [COLOR=008080]Chaos18 Coop[/COLOR] post #76177 [COLOR=008080]Laurel Meadows Coop[/COLOR] post #76681 help incu questions post #10735
why is nothing under my name
[COLOR=FF0000]"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally[/COLOR] CLICK HERE [COLOR=FF0000]PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR UPDATES!!!! I HAVE NOT KEPT IT UP ON HERE!!! SORRY!!! TAG ME in your updates!![/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]TAG HOW to keep typing after you @ someone! see:[/COLOR][COLOR=008080]post #2469[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]post #1088[/COLOR]
4/1/16 8:30 PM Friday

[COLOR=800080][COLOR=800080][COLOR=800080]Roada Red April 1st, sarah25bear May 1st [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] M[COLOR=000000]aking Bators:[/COLOR] Canadachickens, fire 4tabinet, CliftonFarmer cooler, lazyacre cooler, shahtir101 coolerbator louly coolerbator Bantychooks coolerbator Joey Ur-ur-ur-ur post #58273 mrleeroy update post #57336 Chaos18 post #60710 FireAntFarm aka Kristins Tractor coops post #67119 post #68140 post #68171 post #68816 [COLOR=008080]Fire Ant Farms Coops[/COLOR] post #49071 post #46144


Fire aka Hero always hatching! shoved 8 under a broody Cochin tonite. Sally Sunshine Always hatching! cochin legbar marans ducks projects serama olive eggers etc. [COLOR=000000]NestingHillsSC[/COLOR] aka Tony always hatching! Casportspony aka Kathy aka Kat always hatching TJChickens aka TJ Always hatching DHetzle aka Dennis always hatching PHAGE always hatching! jwlpoultry aka Justin Always Hatching! 3/17 Auroradream26 aka Jess Always hatching! Canadachickens aka cc 8 leghorn 8 Easter eggers 8 Columbian rocks 6 silkies candled day 18, found a very early external pip! 3 leghorn, 4 EE, and 5 Columbian Rocks made it to lock down. 1 Columbian Rock questionable, but left in bator. Removed 2 Leghorn early quitters. Early pip (CR) hatched this morning, day 20! Three more external pip this morning! Saris aka Lacie I ended up with 12 chicks from the 16 that made it to lockdown. I will be setting again tomorrow evening or Friday, depends on the condition my eggs arrive in because my post office didn't hold them for pick up LocalYokel aka Yokel ChickenLady2014 aka Lisa Venymae gotro17 aka Shellee Hawk12 aka Kristie I only had 2 hatch out of 79 set
Only 24 made it to lockdown but the 2 that hatched are perfectly healthy babies. Not sure how they hatched ok but not the others
New incubator is on its way (Sorry [@=]@Sally Sunshine[/@] but I don't have time to build one right now and I must set more eggs
) The babies that hatched are a BCM and a gold partridge brahma. Peachickie aka Nicole Decided to set a dozen guinea eggs today, didn't have room in my cabinet incubator sooooo started up one of the backup 'bators Fire Ant Farm aka Kristin [COLOR=000000]S5apiotrowski[/COLOR] aka Anastasia aka AC I am setting 15 eggs tonight for the Easter Hatch-a-long. I have 12 easter-eggers (some should be olive eggers) and 3 Barnvelder eggs - all from my flock. Will be a little late - but almost decided against setting... I'll be moving soon Chicken Hawk33 aka CH aka Seth [COLOR=333333]Jessimom aka Kathy [/COLOR]I still have 19 out of 21 eggs I set for a friend, due to hatch 4/1. I have 13 Shipped Salmon Favorelle and 9 of my silkie eggs set to hatch on 4/5. I have 6 EE and 6 Backyard mixes from a friend, 10 shipped Blue/Buff Cochins and 5 of my silkies set to hatch 4/16. I've got Auto Sexing EE's, Green Egg layers and Silkie eggs on their way. Should be here between 4/2 - 4/7. HeatherMarieR I had one Ancona starting to hatch yesterday and 4 others still alive. I have quite a few Cochin eggs in the incubator, and some Muscovy eggs. My dogs killed my favorite Muscovy hen the other day, and I'm really hoping that I can hatch some of her eggs. country lovin aka Ty 3/25- set 7 cream legbar, 7 sapphire, 5 Sally's projects, 7 lavender Orpington. caeti21 i had 20 out 24 rir hatch , and 8 conturnix quail out of 12 hatch :) they are happily living with my hen that went broody and she hatched out 5 eggs herself , right now i only have my six for the hatchalong in the bator to hatch [COLOR=000000]butterfliesdoku[/COLOR] aka Vanessa sarah25bear aka Sarah My update is 41 eggs the farm chick variety of partridge Cochin rooster mating with rir hens and barred rock hens starting at 9pm tonight. 29 fertile eggs 12 clear eggs CyndiD I received my SWH, I pulled the plug on them Sunay March 6th, they were all clear except for 1 blood ring. I received a 2nd batch of SWH today and will set them in 2 days. I have in my bators right now: 12 Pekin duck 3 F/W Runner duck 2 Seabright 2 NH 5 WCBP 7 LH 2 Wyan/Aus mix [COLOR=000000]bauerdog[/COLOR] aka Joanne 3/3 just set my eggs for the HAL. 33 total, paint Silkie/showgirls, CCL, Sapphires, white leghorns, Isabelle leghorns, project blue duckwing leghorns, BBS Barred Rocks and BBS Copper Marans. HAL update...I locked down 19 of the 33 shipped eggs last night. The rest were clears. Roada Red I have 14 of my flocks eggs in the incubator today is day 8 and they are starting to form and they are mixed with my EE rooster and americauna hen that is also mixed with barred rock salmon faverole and silver penciled rock 3/1 I have 14 chicken eggs I set a few days ago if that counts also NaJoBeLe aka Nathan 27 out of 34 that went into lockdown hatched. pjnbill22 3/5 @ noon, Set: HAL update: 3/15- candled and removed 11 eggs: 2 LO 2 Assorted Silkies 2 Ameraucana 1 CO 4 Nanci's mutts Still going 73: (67 chickens + 6 Midget White Turkeys) 6 MWT 25 Nanci's mutts 8 asst silkies 4 BLP 7 LO 1 CO 1 Jubilee O 1 Ameraucana 2 Mystery 15 WPxEE 3 EE Mirajane 10 Ayam Cemani Eggs set March 1st, due March 3rd 12 Mille Fleur D'Uccle Eggs set March 3rd, due March 23rdA friend gave me 4 Mille Fleur eggs he wants hatched for him. The father could either be a Silver laced Wyandotte bantam or a Red Jungle Fowl, full sized. Going to set them tonight3/7 3/11 My candling results so far! My Ayam Cemani eggs don't count, but are on day 11 now. 6/11 are alive. They were shipped really roughly from Idaho to California. Set March 1st. My Mille Fleur eggs are in for HAL, day 9, I just candled them and only two were clears! 10/12 are alive! Shipped all the way from Georgia to California! That's a long way! Set March 3rd. My 4 eggs from a friend that I set for HAL. On day 5, candled today and 3/4 are alive. Set March 7th. BantyChooks aka Bubbles aka Banti 10 OEGB x silkie set 3/29. lindalouly Shahtir101 I got me a broody serama! She has 3 eggs under her right now and my friend is going to bring me more serama eggs to put under her tomorrow! That means I won't set for the EHAL, but will still be around the same time. Set 6 more serama eggs They are due to hatch on the 21st of March! Right before my birthday! 3/12 I candled the broody eggs and only had to take out one that died earlier [COLOR=000000]lozerface79 aka Matt[/COLOR] 3/18 Day 14. It looks like 12 out of 13 were fertile, the last one was either never fertile or died early. Alright 6/12 hatched! The rest have pipped! No more zips yet, but we have a few days!Day 20: 8/12 have hatched and we got one zipping and one trying to get out of its shell! howfunkyisurchicken aka Nichole EMU! firedragon1982 flocktastic aka Mrs. H Set 42 eggs tonight (3/5) at 11:11pm CST! 6 Ameraucauna eggs shipped from sahwithchicks 6 exchequer, 6 marans, 6 Ameraucauna from a last minute local source and 16 random barnyard mixes from our flock (includes barred rock rooster over Easter egger, barred rock, black jersey giant and black sex link) chickygirl7 10 cream legbar eggs, which will hopefully hatch for Easter. rlhagan56 Hello, hope I can join in here. I started incubating my first batch of 21 eggs 4 days ago. 9 of them are shipped eggs and wouldn't ya know it, our electricity has gone off twice now and a blizzard hit after weeks of 60 degree weather. I kept a quilt over the incubator and it only lost heat down to 84.9 degrees and the humidity climbed to 65 each time. I just couldn't believe what happened! I have the 9 Ameraucana eggs, then my own EE, BLRW, and Silkie eggs. All pullets so just an experiment. justkat59 Hatched out 10 out of 16 shipped BCM. This is my second hatch this year. Also have 6 Pekin Ducks in the bator now due to hatch 3/18. Then putting in some leghorns after that. I also have a broody RIR that has set up her best in the Ducks house. Hatching is addicting. shellikirbey 7 new baby's out of 10 looked like never turned and one did get in air cell but never pipped shell and the other looked liked only half grew..I had to help one cause it was Peck at top and made big hole at top but never finished zipping and was drying on bottom so I took finger in warm water and applied to dry spot until it come loose and it came out in my hand and I put back in incubator for awhile and he layed on side longer than others did but he is up and eating now. Torch404 I set 6 eggs, brabanters, a couple days ago. Going to candle tonight and see if I have veins. I'm going to be adding six eggs a week a part and try for a staggered hatch. Excited!!! billiejw89 3/7 21 of our eggs are still looking great! I'm fixing to order some serama bantam eggs from MPC, my son has been wanting some badly! [COLOR=000000]politicalcenter[/COLOR] We got 13 chicks total and a couple of duds. We have about 40 in the bator this time. They are silver lace Wyondots (sp) and Buff Orpington. We also have a couple of Australorp. We just gathered the eggs and put them in henhoneygirl I just love how perfect this hatch has gone!! Everyone that's pipped so far has hatched and I haven't had to help ANYONE!!! Even the chick that pipped on the wrong end did it all by himself! This is just awesome, I'm so happy right now!! I've learned so much since my very first time hatching and this just feels like the big culmination of everything I've learned. YIPPEE!!!! Cochix aka Tricia 3 doz BBS Amereaucana's 1 doz mixed eggs - should produce EE and OE. 9:20 am -3/12 48 eggs loaded in bators, Lockdown today, having a bad run and only 13 into lockdown out of 46. Had incubator spike early. Pretty disheartening, not sure how or if any will hatch as 6 Of those I cant even see into, they are OE and Wellies. stryker 3 chicks hatched out of 15 eggs that went into lockdown!!! Two are roosters and one came out with two messed up legs. Think something is wrong with the joints. So out of the three I have two roosters... The way it is looking I might have go go the store to buy chicks to replace my older hens for this year... Tao Chick Currently incubating 15 Cream Brabanter. Last hatch 1 Brabanter and 5 Pavlovskaya. ruthannnall 3/17 22 magpie and mallard eggs into the incubator. Can't wait til day 28. Laurel Meadows set 12 of my Marans due to hatch 4/1, and set 9 shipped Lavender & black split lav Bantam Cochins and 5 more of my Marans this week. They should hatch 4/5. prizepeteOk Guys, I set 9 Eggs yesterday, 3/17 HiddenFlockEC 3/18 Just set my first eggs, 12 Ameraucana and 6 of my mixed flock. Could be Buff Orpington/Rock, Orpington/Silver Laced Wyandotte, or Buff Orpington deserteggs22 Last night I candled my eggs on day 14, and the 10 under mama are all doing perfect and I can see movement in all of them! And as for the 7 in my incubator, the 6 shipped ones have bad saddle air sack, but other than that, I can see veins and movement in all of them! Oh, and my one other egg in there is doing just fine! LittleLakePhil 3/19 I set a dozen Khaki Campbell eggs. Coreenelane 3/28/ On day 15 but think I lost alot of eggs to fluctuation of temp. What is the best/easiest controlled heating supply for incubators? I need one and have no idea what or where to get one. lizzy14 I just put 27 eggs in our incubator!! This is only our second hatch and we made modifications to the incubator - added a fan this year. imlovinmyskin Kathy On day 22 of hatch #2 of welsummer eggs. Started with 23, had 8 viable eggs at lockdown. Had 3 moving at candle on day 21 but as of this am (now day 22) still no pips. I think my humidity was too high, air cells seem small On day 11 of hatch #3 due 4/8.. Started candeling on day 10 to hopefully get a handle on my humidity issue. Hatch 3 has 14 welsummer eggs in turner. Hatch 3 is neighors hatch with a different Roo. Wondering if my Roo has a genetic disorder since first hatch was a complete dud..and it looks like 2nd hatch might be too. 4th hatch (due 4/18) went in Turner yesterday ... Will candle in day 7 to chk air cell and make necessary adjustments I will have a successful hatch!! NEW INFO TO GO INTO OUR NOTES LINKS PAGE when I can get it there! [COLOR=008080]HUMANE WAY OF RAISING QUAILS CAGE FREE[/COLOR] Click HERE [COLOR=008080]Duck, Duck GooseA basic guide to caring for your new waterfowl[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]Chickens Commonly Raised for MEAT and Weights at Ages[/COLOR] post #54051 [COLOR=008080]Day 15 candles[/COLOR] post #76732 [COLOR=008080]Chaos18 Coop[/COLOR] post #76177 [COLOR=008080]Laurel Meadows Coop[/COLOR] post #76681 help incu questions post #10735
Thank you Sally
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Well Heck seams like I might have missed the steelhead ruin this are gone....they were in there hot and heavy over EASTER....but I had family now there's none there.....seems odd but we had a warmer February than March....darn wish I'd have fished earlier...hope you all are having a good evening....:frow
A couple people have mentioned using puppy pads. They said it helped with cleanup and help keep up humidity. The incubator I am using just has a solid plastic floor with grooves for water. I realize these chicks are just my practice run and they are not worth much but if I ever want to breed expensive birds I would like to learn all I can.
It's supposed to have a mesh screen covering the bottom. In that case, you definitely need something to keep the chicks from drowning in the water wells. Any type of screen will work as long as it has small enough holes to keep the chicks from hanging their legs in them, yet allow moisture to rise from the water wells. Window screen is better than nothing, but rubber shelf lining should work as long as it has holes in it.

It doesn't matter if they're barnyard mutts... you've worried and worked hard to get them this far. Naturally you want to see them hatch happy and healthy. We want that for you, too!

Wood screw or small drill bit? What in world?
How would I ever know when to use that item. If I have learned anything from this list is sit on your hands.
In case you need to make a small hole in the shell at the top of the air cell so the chick can get fresh air...
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