INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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For whatever it's worth (may not be the most financially reasonable solution):

For various reasons, I have both a Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance with the humidity pump AND an R-Com 20. Both hold temps and humidity well (though you need to calibrate either - don't trust just because they are fancy-schmancy). The R-Com may (or may not) have caused some increased malpos related to the way the eggs were turned on their sides, but was much easier for the actual hatch than the Brinsea, better visibility, and also much, MUCH easier to clean after hatch (which is of course so much messier than just incubating). So, having already had both on hand, this past time (for Easter HAL) I incubated in the Brinsea and hatched in the R-Com. Worked well. I tried hatching in the Brinsea earlier. It went ok, but it was REALLY hard to see anything, hard to quickly get it open and shut again, hard for the babies to move around after hatching (very crowded with low overhead), and a bit harder to clean after a hatch.

I should emphasize that I already owned the R-Com at that point and was not feeling like I wanted to incubate in it, so it has become a nicely functioning super expensive hatcher. I have heard good things about the Incuview, so, I suppose if I did not already have the R-Com, I would look at that as a separate hatcher... Or another option...
Please be careful of the heat lamps because of the risk of fire!

- Ant Farm
Thank you for such a great comparison. I will check out the R-com!

Some of the RCOM incubators do also. You just need to add water and the machine does the rest.

I have both. I would go for the brinsea 100% .

Thank you all for the input!

Good morning all! It's looking to be a beautiful day outside. I hope the snow, sleet and rain clears up soon for everyone experiencing it.

I know a quote dropped, there was someone that mentioned the incuview - That is what I am currently using, but I call it my Death bator. I'm not sure if it's JUST my Incuview that is an issue, but I have had the WORST hatch rates since I started using it. \

Who was it that lost 41 of their babies? I'm so sorry that happened. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible that must have been!!

I am starting day 18 on my next batch of eggs. I candled them and some have draw downs - but others haven't started. Should I move them over to the lock down bator? Or should I wait until day 19, like I usually do?

Have you ever traveled I-70 in OH ( I think, maybe IN ) and seen the "windmill farm" ? I find it fascinating; windmills on both sides about as far as you can see!
There is a wind turbine farm south of me - when I drive down to Palm Springs I see them. They are amazing. Usually as I drive through there the wind is strong but calm. Only about half are spinning. Last trip home, the wind was EXTREME!! I was having trouble driving. Those blades were SPINNING. That was fun to see. But, have you ever seen one shatter?

Got the rest of the supplies for the coop! Gonna be a long day but here we go.
Wonder what is causing the spike so fast. It only happens when you turn the eggs? 108 seems like an extreme spike.

Yeah it seems to ONLY spike within the half hour of me crack in open&turning eggs. So I make sure I'm sticking close to manually regulate. Gonna call the place I bought it&see if they will still do an exchange,
Think I'll wait till candle at day5 if there's life signs will wait it out but if not I'll be cooking puppys a snack.
Guess what I want to know is do you guys think IF it only seems to spike AFTER I hand turn them (for a few mins) should I stay calm&hatch on?

My understanding is that the incubator will "spike" to get the temperature back up to where it needs to be.
The inside of the egg does not change as fast as the ambient temperature, so the spike will not hurt the egg as long as it is temporary.
There is a wind turbine farm south of me - when I drive down to Palm Springs I see them. They are amazing. Usually as I drive through there the wind is strong but calm. Only about half are spinning. Last trip home, the wind was EXTREME!! I was having trouble driving. Those blades were SPINNING. That was fun to see. But, have you ever seen one shatter?

Can't say i have; not sure I'd want to if it was close to the road
I'm pretty mad right now, a fox decided to go into the baby chicken tractor and get all 6. Or at least I can't find any of them. The fox also got in with the big chickens and a couple I can't find, but 5 have come back. We shot at the fox but it ran.
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