INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Congrats @Sally Sunshine . Such a cool coop you got there!
thanks nuk
how are you today?
I have three ccl out, two boys and a girl, of course the girl has a the bump out the umbilical from the HEAT STROKE so I will see if she makes it or not.. figured it would happen. a few other pips and the rest nothin... crappy hatch looks like, but we knew as much

waiting to clean and set

If my candler is not here before we set on the eleventh. Can I use a flashlight?
With the Brower it looks like you lay them flat. I need to finish reading the hatching 101.

Absolutely. Probably the best candling light you can get is the light on your smartphone.

the tan egg and the light olive eggs are fertile, the large green ones IDK I had a similar egg for b-fast and it didn't look to be fertile. I think lil'blue egg is, IDK about the ex dark egg but I am hopeful!!! Candle in a few days.
I just went outside and there was a blue egg!! This time, with the blue egg in the same box, was an easter egger hen. Simple, right? But.... I dunno if she was:
A. The hen that laid the egg and was just coming out.
B. Another hen laid it and she was just going in to lay her egg but I came in and she jumped out for breakfast.
Thoughts anyone?

only way to tell is use a trap nest. One that locks the hen in till you release her. simple to build but you can get trap nest doors for the front of the nest box.

How do I grow my own mealworms? We have a compost pile already

You grow mealworms in Bran. and feed them Carrots and apples food and water. There are a bunch of instruction videos on YouTube.

I have been considering growing Poenix worms though for compost. They prefer the nastier bits and can digest fat. Their adults are soldier fly. The larva crawl out the bin to find a place to pupate. Thats when you feed em to the chickens. And they dont carry Marecks.
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