INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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If you ask someone if they're dyslexic in a message, and they are... would they even know what the question is?

Then again... if you asked them if they're cixelsyd and they said yes, then you would know without a doubt... right?

Just a little something I've always wondered about...   

Taht si a gnitseretni noitseuq. :gig
If you ask someone if they're dyslexic in a message, and they are... would they even know what the question is?

Then again... if you asked them if they're cixelsyd and they said yes, then you would know without a doubt... right?

Just a little something I've always wondered about...

ton eurs who ot ekat taht tub ll'I knit tuob ti
Taht si a gnitseretni noitseuq.
I know... right?
@Sally Sunshine

Thank you! He is my number 2 chicken farmer in training. I kind of can't stop reading about chickens and hatching.
I gave myself a crash course then found a nice backyard chicken guy on CL and jumped at the chance to get started. Adding a wet washcloth seems to have helped stabilize both temp and humidity. I also stole my kids' humidifier and put it on low beside my apparatus.
it's at about 45%, and from what've read a little low is better than high? Instead of hand turning I'm rotating a box around to each side to angle the set-up. The eggs are in a cut-down paper carton.

Any other tips? Especially about how to wait?!?
Tune in tomorrow for the continuing saga of turn or no turn, set or no set, listen or no listen....same time, same place

Seriously, I can't stand any more. Good grief x 1,000,000.

I'm outta here. Off to take more cold meds. Anyone think the Jack Daniels IV will help if mixed with Sudafed? Can I get that at Walgreens?

- Ant Farm
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