INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I can't believe it! ALL TEN EGGS HATCHED! They were shipped eggs, this was my first ever hatch, and all ten hatched. I am walking on clouds!

That's awesome. I hope it isn't beginner's luck.
Tell us your secrets.

Finally! A post ( not specifically your posts, but posts in general) short enough to quote w/o crashing everyone's system.

What do you think about a pelleted feed for all age groups, from chicks big enough to handle pellets to layers and a rooster, with 20% protein,3.5% fat,6% fiber,1.3% calcium, .6% phosphorus, .65% salt,and a host of other things I can't pronounce? It's supposedly Southern States' answer to Purina All Flock; they call it Flock Balancer. Little late to ask, I guess, since I just bought my 2nd 200 lb load of it!

I think to much protein
To less calcium
Quote: My Dad, when meeting someone for the first time, would often shake hands and say "Hi. my name is Whiteside; I guess you know your's"
@Wheatfields you have nicname you wish us to call you by or just wheatfields? And your very welcome! Good luck, we are here anytime you need help or feel like yapping! Have a fantastic day! WELL DONE!!!! What a great job and some FANTASTIC looking little chicks too!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!
Sorry my name is Paul.. nice to meet everyone. Wheat is my last name.. so.. Wheatfields is my Lil farm lol
My Dad, when meeting someone for the first time, would often shake hands and say "Hi. my name is Whiteside; I guess you know your's" :p
If the person suffered from Dissociative identity disorder he could have get a variety of answers to his question! :lol:
it sure is!  Thank God for everyone, they have all saved many chicks chickens and other fowl, not to mention filled a spot inside of us, that we never new needed filled!  Love this gang!  Welcome to the thread and BYC!  Are you setting eggs in October or will have eggs in the bator october?  if so, we would love to have you join the Halloween Hal!!   The contests are cool with plenty of sweet stuff to win! 

I will be actually! That sounds like fun even tho I'm pretty green lol

We were all green at one time; many of us still are. Always room for more.

I ALWASE have more room for greens!

Kinda freaking out - the eggs arrived, 8 of them, and all intact, in one piece, and set small side down in the egg carton.

HOWEVER - the post office didn't tell me they got here, so they spent the night in an AC'd building over night. I've got them in the bathroom to settle, but i'm worried that a night at the post office might have killed them?

Please tell me they are okay :(
After hatching questions...

First question: Just had my first hatch (ever) and (there are still eggs due of same group, but haven't pip'd yet) The second chick to hatch had started to have the egg skin turn tan and start drying, so as I read over and over to be sure, I assisted. I had to dab water on the baby and get it unglued, and such, I let it finish the hatching out of the bottom of its egg shell on its own though. It started flopping around and kicking wildly, unlike the first chick who pip'd and zipped in an hour and was nearly staggering laps around the bator... Now that its a little more stable and "dry" I have put the three who were out in the brooder and to get a better look at them... the one in question's outer toe on both feet (feathered due to being a French maran) is kinda shriveled and small and both are just folding under the foot, so the chick looks like it has 3 toed feet... Im guessing this was an incubating mess up while it was developing, and not sure the toes are going to stay, that's how little and shriveled they look... do I bother trying to do the sandle get up that I read about on here, or let them be for a day or two to see if they stay first?

Second question: I have one that hatched from a much larger egg from the rest of the marans and it is a larger chick (big ol belly to it), It has been free of its shell about 2 hrs or so and has pretty much been only sleeping... occasionally it freaks out, thrashes, then goes back to sleep. How long is too long for this resting its doing? The other three are doing the typical up and chirping/moving for 5 seconds then snoozing for 30 seconds and repeat, so I know they are doing good...

third question: The three chicks have made a pretty sticky dirty mess of the inside of the incubator, including pooping twice already in there before moving, im assuming this is still ok for the next chicks that may or may not come out?

Unless there's a reason not to, I'd give her all the eggs she can handle. Hens have been hatching eggs & raising chicks a lot longer than man's been at it with incubators. If she pushes some away, it's likely she knows there's something wrong with them. You might put those in your 'bator, just to be sure. At least you wouldn't have to integrate the chicks that the hen raises into the flock later.

That's what I'd do; others may have a totally different outlook.

Good luck, regardless.

Thank you for your advice. I was wondering if I should do that. She is currently sitting on 10 eggs that are between 9-14 days (i think). I have 14 in the incubator that fall into that range as well. Then I have 6 eggs that I just put in this last Sunday afternoon.

The hen is a pullet I am surprised that she went broody as she has only laid 27 eggs since she started laying August 2. She is my smallest hen. Do you think she can handle 30 eggs? or should I do less? I am very new to hatching and chickens.
Sorry for all the questions.

Quote: Still fighting the anxiety, but a bit better with medication, thanks
I'm glad she is a little better with the medication, certainly pray that she continues to improve.
Dr. upped the meds .....grrrrrrr
Oh sorry to hear that. Has she been willing to lighten her schedule at all?
Shes learning to delegate; not natural for her.
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