Incubation problem


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 18, 2013
Rhode Island
I'm still kinda new to raising and hatching quail, I've hatched once before but this is my second time and I got a problem. It's day 3 on incubation, humidity and temps have been stable. Then today, I woke up to seeing the temp drop to 93F instead of 99.5-100F. We just had a ice storm come out of no where and this made my temps go wacky even indoors. I am to assume these low temps were for a few hours. Will they survive :rolleyes:??
Never give up on a hatch. What kind of incubator are you using though? you shouldn't be getting temps swings like that, try keeping the bator in a warmer room if you have to.
For this hatch, I'm using a tank surrounded the inside with foil, plenty of water and 2 60W lights. Everything was perfect until winter showed it's ugly rear again... That's Rhode Island weather unfortunately. But I have my temps back to normal. Just hope they hatch in 15 days....or ever lol

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