Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

First, I want to thank all in the military for their service and for those overseas, for a safe return. Also, to the military families that are so often overlooked as I know how hard it is on them.

Now, ten lively ducklings and "half shell" which is still in the incubator is still hanging on. I filled the shell up with distilled water a few minutes ago and also soaked the washcloth which the egg is resting on in the small bowl. I don't know what else to do for it. It is a long ways from hatching or so it seems. Any idea what I should do this evening as I am going to change the wash cloth to paper towels and wash the bowl out, but should I add a few drops of bleach or some other disinfectant to the distilled water I add to the half shell? I am afraid that I may be making a bacteria "soup" which certainly isn't going to help.

First, I want to thank all in the military for their service and for those overseas, for a safe return. Also, to the military families that are so often overlooked as I know how hard it is on them.

Now, ten lively ducklings and "half shell" which is still in the incubator is still hanging on. I filled the shell up with distilled water a few minutes ago and also soaked the washcloth which the egg is resting on in the small bowl. I don't know what else to do for it. It is a long ways from hatching or so it seems. Any idea what I should do this evening as I am going to change the wash cloth to paper towels and wash the bowl out, but should I add a few drops of bleach or some other disinfectant to the distilled water I add to the half shell? I am afraid that I may be making a bacteria "soup" which certainly isn't going to help.


how is he doing?.. blood in veins?.. can you see the navel?.. is he "glued in" at all?... how does the duckling look.. is he gasping.. bent neck or acting weak?.. is his head still tucked in under his wing?
how is he doing?.. blood in veins?.. can you see the navel?.. is he "glued in" at all?... how does the duckling look.. is he gasping.. bent neck or acting weak?.. is his head still tucked in under his wing?

All I can answer is yes he appears weak, doesn't appear to be gasping though. I've kept him and the shell damp and even poured water into the shell.

I've got to take my child to karate class so I won't be on here for 2-3 hours or so.
get the water out of the shell.. swab the navel with iodine.. having water in there can introduce bacteria into the navel.. right now you want the navel to dry up a bit... I can't see if it's fully open or not..

When you tap him or the shell does he respond?.. if not he may have some sort of internal issue much like a failure to thrive chick.. is he stuck to the shell? You can start to peel parts of it off just check the navel and see how it looks and if there are still any blood filled veins
get the water out of the shell.. swab the navel with iodine.. having water in there can introduce bacteria into the navel.. right now you want the navel to dry up a bit... I can't see if it's fully open or not..

When you tap him or the shell does he respond?.. if not he may have some sort of internal issue much like a failure to thrive chick.. is he stuck to the shell? You can start to peel parts of it off just check the navel and see how it looks and if there are still any blood filled veins
Ok, brought it inside where I had better light etc. I removed all the shell and the navel or yolk is still not all absorbed, about the size of a standard marble. Little blood, not much, I coated with iodine and used a blood stopper gel just in case. Clean dry paper towels back in the little dish and put the duckling back in the incubator. The little guy is weak, but I cleaned off his head and he opened his eyes once I wet them with a gentle swabbing of a wet Q-tip. At least he wasn't stuck to the shell. Will check in a couple of hours, but it be morning (if he makes it) that will tell the tale. He did make a few feeble peeps. I still give him a 25% chance of recovery though. I'm not ready to throw in the towel..............

if you have any electrolytes and water or even sugar water (brown sugar would be my first choice over white) you can give him a few drops of that.. if he perks up then his blood sugar could be a bit low.. the main concern will be (other than weakness) bacterial infection through the navel..
I did give him a very wet Q-tip as he opened his bill and he seemed to take a tiny bit of moisture. I have brown sugar and will make up a teaspoon full and do the Q-tip thing again tonight. I swabbed him pretty good with iodine, but will repeat tonight.

The other ten I just pinioned, only took 5-6 minutes, but I'm glad that's over.

edit: Update....I just gave the hatchling a couple of drops of brown sugar water and drizzled iodine over the navel area. He is now back in the incubator for the night.

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