Incubation Temp for sex


6 Years
Feb 16, 2013
Hello all, I am new to this forum. My son wishes to incubate eggs this year. I have heard that you can determine the sex of you hatchlings by changing the temp of your incubator. Simply put a slightly lower temp may produce hens and a higher temp may produce roosters, vice versus. I am not sure on this. Any help would be great.

That, unfortunately, doesn't work with chicken eggs! It works with crocodile eggs, though. Lower temps produce more females and higher temps more males. My DH told me about this and I did some research on the internet. It's true. With chicken eggs lower temperatures causes the eggs too hatch later and higher temperatures causes them to hatch sooner. There's a great article here on incubating and hatching chicken eggs that you may find helpful:

Best of luck with your hatch!

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