
Ricks Chicks

11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
Leicester, Massachusetts
I have 11 eggs in the incubator. a few 14 days, a few 12 , 11, 10, 9.
candeled all tonight and found the oldest with no air on the ends and black in the center no movement the egg looked full of chicken . the younger ones were spots , the ones in the middle were nickel sized spots with air on one. first time doing this what next?
Run out and buy (or build) another incubator/hatcher. In four more days, take the ones that are day 14 today out and lay them on their sides in the new incubator you have set up for them and gotten the temp and humidity all stabilized. After they hatch, clean and bleach out the inside, quickly set it up and put each of the other eggs in there when it is three days before they are due. Good luck and do post pics when they hatch!
I know this may be hard, but don't mix date hatches. Unless you have a second bator or a brooder. Everyone wants to hatch as many eggs as they can, but you shouldn't incubate and hatch in the same unit. Once you have all the eggs from one hatch dry place them in a brooder. Clean up the bator and place the next batch of eggs in the bator. Doing it this way, you will be surprised how many healthy chicks you will hatch. Staggered hatches work for some, but will produce more unhealthy chicks. The bator never gets a chance to be cleaned.

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