Incubator/hatching related questions

Forced air incubators use a fan to circulate the air. Much better for incubation as the temp remains more constant all over the incubator. Still air is just that...still air. Lots of hot spots, uneven temps, etc... which can cause deformities and other issues. My personal opinion is that forced air is far better than still air. If you can afford the forced air, go with it.
Forced air incubators use a fan to circulate the air. Much better for incubation as the temp remains more constant all over the incubator. Still air is just that...still air. Lots of hot spots, uneven temps, etc... which can cause deformities and other issues. My personal opinion is that forced air is far better than still air. If you can afford the forced air, go with it. 

I have two circulated air right now, I need one just for hatching/lockdown days one without a turner. I'm gonna price shop them later today. My problem is my turner holds 120 quail eggs but we only get about 20-26 eggs a week. In order to put them in there before they get too old, I can't fill it up. My second incubator has duck eggs in it, and is tied up for 28 days. I was thinking of getting one more with no turner just for hatching, but one that doesn't cost as much as these two did. Thanks so much for the input! It helps!
Forced air incubators use a fan to circulate the air. Much better for incubation as the temp remains more constant all over the incubator. Still air is just that...still air. Lots of hot spots, uneven temps, etc... which can cause deformities and other issues. My personal opinion is that forced air is far better than still air. If you can afford the forced air, go with it.

I could not agree more! I've always used forced air and they have served me well.
Forced air incubators use a fan to circulate the air. Much better for incubation as the temp remains more constant all over the incubator. Still air is just that...still air. Lots of hot spots, uneven temps, etc... which can cause deformities and other issues. My personal opinion is that forced air is far better than still air. If you can afford the forced air, go with it.
X2... You can buy the still air model and add a cheap puter fan if you're handy.... same thing. Or build one from a foam shipper.... The fan for this one is in the lid and I use it as a hatcher.....

No other chicks hatched since Friday, so this morning I opened the incubator and took the rest of the eggs out.
I floated them first - they all floated but none wobbled. Then I Opened each egg. Here are some statistics:

I put in 33 eggs
10 hatched and seem to be healthy so far
1 hatched with help but had to be put down
9 developed but died without hatching - when opened, I could see chicks but they were not moving and looked dead.
11 looked like a regular egg - so they were either infertile or did not develop at all.

I am probably going to set up another batch next week. Things to try for the next time:
- Since they started hatching day 16, somebody said my temperature might have been higher than normal. I was keeping it on my thermometer at 100F. For the next batch I will try to keep it at 99F
- Humidity. Not looking to change this parameter. Will try to get anywhere from 36-42% and about 70% at the lockdown.
- Will collect about 30 eggs - took me 5-6 days last time. I have 5 hens and 1 roo in that pen.

Any suggestions, guys?

Dimi have you tried incubating and hatching with the eggs in a upright position? It may cut down on the number of fully developed chicks that dont hatch. But a lot of the chicks hatched goes back to health and condition of the parents. If they are stressed, missing something in feed, or just young or old, all contribute to the number of chicks that actually hatch healthy. In the end, sometimes it just works better than others... Iv been at it for years and I still have a off hatch once and a while. Good luck. Bill

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I think that is a good idea if you are using a circulated one for the "pre-lockdown" or incubation period!
I think that is a good idea if you are using a circulated one for the "pre-lockdown" or incubation period!
That's the idea, use the circulated ones for pre lock down and the still air for lock down.. I'm in the market for a fan to add to it just because... Checking eBay and elsewhere. I just didn't need another egg turner. Price difference of 80 or 90$ for the one without the fan and egg turner. Even if I pay 20 for a fan I'm still coming out better.
You can find the 40mm computer fans on ebay for just a few dollars.... but most are three wire-12V units..... With these you must use a 12V adapter. Cut the end off and dont use the yellow wire on the fan. The 12V adapter are on ebay too.

EDIT TO ADD: you can attach the fans to the lid by small holes and zip ties thru the mounting holes in the fan. Just dont pull the zip ties down tight, leave them loose enough the fan hangs 1/2" or so away from the lid for air flow....
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Thanks, Bill.
By upright, you mean pointy end down? If so, then yes, this hatch was like that.
Parent quails are less than a year old, they seem fine and laying eggs every day pretty much. They miss some feathers but I think that's because I was giving them not enough protein at some point. I've been feeding them 26% protein feed since I identified the problem. They did not grow out all the feathers though.
Been supplementing quail parents with Kickin Chicken and Rooster Booster vitamins for the past month and a half.

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