Incubator Help


Jul 9, 2019
I made a mistake i didnt turn off the " turning eggs" after 18th and today is 21st day and i just turned it off today.I forgot about it. so there any chance they would be able to hatch. as of yet none have hatched.
I made a mistake i didnt turn off the " turning eggs" after 18th and today is 21st day and i just turned it off today.I forgot about it. so there any chance they would be able to hatch. as of yet none have hatched.
The main reason for shutting off the turner is to prevent possible injury to chicks as and after they hatch. If your eggs were going to hatch, they will still hatch. There can be lots of reasons for them to not hatch but leaving the turner on until the final day is not one of the reasons.
update: i did floating test on day 23 and three of them almost drowned like you can only see 5% above water. rest were around 20%. shall i wait till 25th now or what shall i do?
update: i did floating test on day 23 and three of them almost drowned like you can only see 5% above water. rest were around 20%. shall i wait till 25th now or what shall i do?
I would never do the float test. Use a good strong light and candle them if you want to know what is going on. If they are chicken eggs, the due date was day 21. Why would you wait until day 25? On day 23 they are already two days past due.

Personally I toss any chicken eggs that haven't hatched by day 22. The difference is that I know my incubator and hatcher and have them set at the proper temperature for the eggs to hatch on time.
What do you think what shall i do?

I don't really follow the rules of lock down. In my 200 eggs incubator, I don't have hygrometer/hygrostat, and eggs are not the same date, I just put the 18 days old on the plastic bucked from grape fruit basket on the floor of incubator.
I swap slowly with tissue paper damped with warm water on those 18 days old or those starts pipping.
As your question re egg turner, I never put it off due to different date of eggs. But I watch on the date I wrote on shell, and keep an eye every day. So when there's one pipping, I move her to hatcher basket.
For me most important thing is candling the eggs to make sure egg is fertile, on day 7 or 10, I candle them again (randomly) to make sure they are alive and moving.
When most people do lock down, I hold the egg nearly/start piping, when I whistle she respon back. I know it's wrong by SoP, but I just put my heart with all babies inside the shells, and believe that Mama Hen never do the lock down.
For your note, I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. The temperature is stable 30-33 Centigrade (Celcius) and humidity 50-55 % RH.
Again, I don't recommend my way. But I lobe every single eggs and put my heart on every individuals like my own baby. The chicken are origin of Indonesia so they are strong, even under the wings of Mama Hen under heavy rain (wet season) .
Good luck with your eggs. Make a sound (talk to them) as they can hear you. I even hatch goslings (baby Swan) together with chicken eggs, and they things I am their father, follow me everywhere I walk. I am the first moving big thing they see.

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