Incubator issues - need advice!


Free Ranging
12 Years
Aug 7, 2011
Puget Sound area, WA
This is my first time hatching eggs with an incubator, and I need some advice.
I set 22 eggs last night, and I'm having trouble keeping up the humidity.
Here is the incubator I have:

The temperature is maintaining the correct 99.5, but I can't seem to keep the humidity to 48-55%. I already have the air vent closed a lot more than is recommended - but as you can see here, it's only 39%! I've been keeping my eye on the little water thing and not letting it get empty, I'm at a loss.
It's only the first day, so I think I have time to make corrections, only I need advice on what to do. It's not like I live in a dry area, I'm in the PNW, LOL!
The incubator is currently in my kitchen, on top of a cart, against a wall that's opposite the window where air comes in - we generally keep our windows open at night during summer.
I could cover it to keep moisture, or rig up some sort of barrier, but I don't want to restrict ventilation.
Or move the incubator into the bathroom? And keep the window and door closed, but humidity could still be random depending on when one of us took a shower...not to mention what no ventilation in the bathroom would do to our walls.
I read the owner's manual in detail before I set the eggs, but maybe I missed something?

Any advice welcome!
Yes, you have some time and will need to find your “sweet spot” for your eggs...
I’m also in the PNW and if i set my bators over 45/48ish I don’t see the growth I’m looking for in the air sac/ proper weight loss, depending on your method of monitoring.

....did you set it up and let it run before you added the eggs, to check temp/ humidity?
Also- do you have an external thermometer and hygrometer, to verify the calibration of your bator?

The answer to the second question really needs to be yes 😂
...hope it’s yes for both. But the second is something you -can- control at this point.
I use one of those remote weather station deals that has the smallish external sensor in one, and a regular mercury thermometer plus a hygrometer I got from the reptile section of our per store for the other- and swap them on occasion to make sure the electronic version isn’t off

Anyway. I’d try a wet paper towel or two, or a sponge that you’ve wet, and rung some of the water out.
Water temp should feel warm to you.
The fluctuations aren’t the greatest for the eggs, but it’s your best path forward at this point IMO.

I don’t see a separate “humidifier” for that one. I use a HovaBator 1588 and bought a separate humidifier w it. Works great and is almost maintenance free (I’m always concerned that I’ll fail to notice my water channels need to be refilled before my humidity tanks...)
You might call the Incubator Warehouse and ask if they have any thoughts on using a HumidiKit w your bator?

They are super nice and helpful 💕

Happy hatching, and best of luck!
....did you set it up and let it run before you added the eggs, to check temp/ humidity?
Yes, I tested it when I first bought it a few months ago, and then let it run a couple hours yesterday to get it stabilized before I put the eggs in - the humidity was reading 48% , I closed the air vent a little bit more, then put the eggs in when it was 50%.
No, but I should be able to come up with one in the next few days.
I wouldn’t worry to much till then
I run 40-45% for my duck eggs and at half way mark I check my air cells and weight loss
If I’m to much or to little I adjust humidity to fix it
You have lots of time so grab a hygrometer from the pet store for lizards
Watch some YouTube videos on how to calibrate
Then add it in your bator and see what you get
I found a new sponge, cut it into 1x1 pieces, dampened two and microwaved them for 20 secs, and put them in the center of the incubator. Waited 5 minutes, and it stabilized at 99.5 and 52%.
This seems like a good work-around until I can get a hygrometer tomorrow - thanks everybody!
OK, I think I figured it out - the hygrometer and what the incubator says are off by about 4-5%. So, since it's only day 4, they should be OK, I think - the humidity has definitely vacillated between changing out all the sponges, but hasn't gone wildly out of range. Right now, the incubator says 47% and the hygrometer 54%, so most likely 50-52% hopefully.
I might have been overthinking the watering system. I was being all careful to not overfill it (the directions say don't try to fill up the water thing or you will end up with too much) but after I put the hygrometer in and let it stabilize, I poured 2-3 ounces in, then opened the vent to the amount recommended - so far so good! Thanks for all your help, everybody!

I see others have the same incubator I do, so I'm going to read all those threads now - should be helpful. I'm determined to get the hang of this incubation thing!

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