Incubator & movement in egg. - RIP Chip/Chipette

What a smart little duckling.
So I went and took a very good look at the egg itself with a magnifying glass (looked through the viewing window), and he has worked on a second part, very close to the first opening.
That's what he has been pipping at, the new part but I can't see it because it's still not completely broken off yet.
Like you said, he is trying to make a bigger opening.
Such a smart little guy.
And my family and I have already named him/her, Chip (if a boy) or Chippete (from the Chipmunk movie; if a girl).
I went in there and started hearing the chirps like usual. & when getting close it did its little pip at the bigger opening.
But now it looks like the membrane is yellow..
I have a picture and this is it:

Where the yellow is, is the two big parts it has taken off, then around them is little pips that have pushed the shell up but hasn't gotten all the way through.
Is it shrinkwrapped?!
Might be a small amount of yolk, when I have seen shrink wrapped the membrane was brown looking, just keep giving up dates with pics that way if there is trouble{which it doesn't appear to be} there will be someone here to help you through it. I like the names too. What breed are we talking about?
Alright, sounds good. :D
And yes, I will definitely keep up with updates. Will be going in the pool soon so I don't be posting for a few hours.
And thanks, took my family forever to come up with different names.
And the breed is the same as the breed I have now in the backyard. White Crested.
I did read all about the genes and diseases with the strokes and such, the person I got my grown up ducks from told me all about it
and how it could affect the babies if you were to hatch a few.
The ducks I have now don't have much of the 'crested' in them because they have gone down through their parents to their grandparents and so forth.
I am not sure if going through generations affects the 'disease' but that's what he told me.
Thanks !
He/She has FINALLY pipped off a piece of the shell but underneath is the following :

In the picture it may look like you can see through, but you can't. Maybe it's the vein that the duck pipped through that is there?
The shell being pipped at behind the big hole is what he has worked on today.
He is a VERY slow duckling.
Patience is definitely not my thing and he is slow...
He/She has FINALLY pipped off a piece of the shell but underneath is the following :

In the picture it may look like you can see through, but you can't. Maybe it's the vein that the duck pipped through that is there?
The shell being pipped at behind the big hole is what he has worked on today.
He is a VERY slow duckling.
Patience is definitely not my thing and he is slow...
Look at that. looking good. won't be long now, just don't open that lid. Keep up the pics and updates. hopefully by tomorrow you'll have a duckling.
I just can't wait !
I will NOT open that lid.
I am very excited.
I just came out of the pool and did a call & response session with him/her.
It responds well to everything I say, in less than 5 seconds, it responds back.
It's doing a LOT of chirping but not a lot of pipping. Hopefully tonight it will do most of the work and tomorrow morning it'll only have a little bit more to go.
Also, tomorrow if it hatches, I will take pictures of course but I also need an opinion on my brooder.
So more pictures to come !
I just can't wait !
I will NOT open that lid.
I am very excited.
I just came out of the pool and did a call & response session with him/her.
It responds well to everything I say, in less than 5 seconds, it responds back.
It's doing a LOT of chirping but not a lot of pipping. Hopefully tonight it will do most of the work and tomorrow morning it'll only have a little bit more to go.
Also, tomorrow if it hatches, I will take pictures of course but I also need an opinion on my brooder.
So more pictures to come !
Hoping for good news tomorrow!

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