Incubator & movement in egg. - RIP Chip/Chipette

Looks like your little one will be looking at you soon. good to hear about humidity going up. Will check back in this afternoon and hopefully get to see a face..

He is almost there ! He is getting his beak out now after a good rest and he is pushing HARD !
A new picture for you (he was pushing his beak out in this):

The more he pushes the more the shell cracks to the left !
And this is what I have set up as the brooder ! :




It's going between 90 degrees - 96 degrees. Is that too hot?
And it's maintaining around 30% humidity !
Ducklings need a warm end and a cooler end so they can easily move around self regulating their temperature. If the box is too small and doesn't allow moving in and out of the warm spot they can often overheat and die. They can also chill, so it is imprtant to provide a brooder large enough for them to move about in between temperature zones.
Looks to be super close now! Keep a close eye that he continues and does not quit at this point. I am not a fan of styrofoam for a container. Do you have a large rubbermaid tub?
Well the rubbermaid tub I have now is about 3 feet long and about a foot wide.

I have this but I do not know what to buy as a light source I would need the type (brand), watt, etc.
I have both old towels (a LOT) and pine shavings.
When I said earlier in the thread about two heat lamps, I was referring to put them hanging over into this because it is so big.
Our ducks we have now lived in this for about a week and they were 4 weeks old with loads of room, but I'll have around 7 living in here or another container.
I can buy another rubbermaid tub if needed but wanted your opinions on this one.

P.S. : He's still going at it now (after resting) and chirping/quacking a lot. Hopefully it will be soon. He's just not opening it enough with his body...

He made it out about 20 minutes ago and he is looking good.
Only a few questions though:
There is something attached to him
What is it? And do you cut it off?

He is also shaking a lot, it's about 99.5 degrees with 75% humidity. Do they always shake a bit afterwards?
He can't get his balance and is staying laid down but he's moving around.

Also when he came out he tried to move but one of his legs wouldn't move and it stayed close to his body. He moves it now but likes to keep it near him while the other foot seems to be doing all the work to try to get him up.
Also, how long after it hatches should I transfer to the brooder?
I have sent my parents out to go get a heat lamp of about 90-100 watts for the 3 foot long tub.
Any ideas of all of this?
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Ducklings can be unstable. Id put non slip mat under him (like the kind for cabinets - it washes easily) its soft and good for his feet. It will only take him a day (or less) usually to have their feet under them properly.

The temps are good. Help him get his first drink of water, and then show him the foot. Put something flat and colorful down (like color paper) and sprinkle a few little piles of food on them, so he can find them. Keep the food nearby.

I love the updates!
So are you saying that I should OPEN the incubator to put stuff like this down?
I heard that they usually eat their yolk sac and don't usually eat for 24-48 hours.
My house is very cold and I know that they can die easily since their just hatched. He hatched about an hour ago now.
I don't want him to chill because of non-stick pads or colored paper.
He's knocking himself around (which is kind-of funny), but he keeps his head on the grate mostly.
He is very unstable LOL
His eyes are now open, before they were slightly open but you only saw red but now you can see black beady eyes.
Brooder won't be ready for a few more hours and he's not dry yet so I thought he would be okay.
I personally take them out when they start to meander, as they knock the other eggs around. (this isn't a problem in a nest environment) I just grab quick, and off to the new digs, where food, padding, etc and waiting. They dont' HAVE to eat for the first 24-72 hours, but I feed mine and water them anyway. Its true he's got the yolk though.

I would NOT do any of this to the incubator.
I think I am going to wait until he's a little more dry, the brooder is not even close to ready yet and the baby is doing better.
He is starting to stabilize his legs and he's working on standing. His head is still staying on the ground, it's probably too heavy for him right now.

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